Destiny 2 originally released in 2017, and since then Bungie developers have released several new DLCs and expansions to provide new ways for players to grind new loot and explore new challenges. Before Bungie left Activision, Destiny 2 had a series of DLC packages that they released at different prices. They've since moved on to a season pass approach with various content updates every few months with new challenges, events, and things to do.
Curse of Osiris

The Curse of Osiris DLC pack was released in late 2017 shortly after the release of Destiny 2, and it focused on the legendary Guardian Osiris. They were exiled from the last city due to its obsession with the Vex, and retreated into the Infinite Forest to fight them, trying to protect the solar system from the growing threat of the Vex who continue to try to infest it. . This expansion introduced Osiris as a character and allowed players to visit Mercury while increasing the max level to 25 with the power level increasing to 330.

The Warmind DLC Pack released in mid-2018 and refocused on the Warmind Rasputin, where players return to Mars. The DLC Pack introduced Escalation Protocols which allowed players to fight waves of enemies by activating different nodes on the planet. By the end of the mode, there was a big boss that the fire team had to take down, leading to some decent loot for everyone to grab. The max level has increased to 30 and the overall power level to 380.

The Forsaken DLC Pack was the introduction of Destiny 2 Year 2 in September 2018. Bungie did a major overhaul of the game structure in an effort to shake things up in terms of new gameplay. The story of the DLC focused on players avenging the death of Cayde-6, one of the three main Guardians associated with the different classes of the game. A new game mode called Gambit came into the game where it was to bring together nodes dropped by enemy NPCs while competing against an enemy team that achieved the same goals. Additionally, the max level has increased to 50 and the overall power level has increased to 600.
Season of the Forge

Season of the Forge was the first piece of content to arrive Destiny 2 for the game's Annual Pass, which will release with Forsaken in December 2018. The Annual Pass comes with three different content seasons, each with a theme unique and a new direction for gamers. In Season of the Forge, players were given access to the Dark Armory, where they had to speak to the Head of the Armory, Ada-1, who gave players side quests to complete. The quests gave them access to new weapons with unique pieces of lore attached to them. The power level increased to 650.
Season of the Drifter

After Season of the Force, the Season of the Drifter, the one using the new Gambit PvEvP game mode. Gambit received an advanced mode called Gambit Prime, where the best of the best Gambit players competed for some extra loot. There was a whole new set of Gambit-specific armor that improved the abilities of players who performed specific tasks during the game. Beyond the extra PvP mode, there were a handful of knowledge-based objectives relating to Xur. , The Nine and their emissary, the Drifter's connection to the other Guardians and the Last Town. Power level increased to 700.
Season of opulence

After Season of the Drifter, the final part of the Season of Opulence Annual Pass content has been concluded. The NPC running it was the Cabal Emperor Calus, who players first encountered during the Leviathan raid during Destiny 2's original release. Instead of hiring him, you work with him to earn the Chalice of Opulence, which players have improved throughout the season by completing weekly bounties and treasure quests. A new PvE horde mode has been released called the Menagerie, where players have returned to the Leviathan raid site to engage in a horde mode, fighting new, more powerful enemies for new gear, as well as a new raid called Crown. of Sorrow. The season also increased the power level to 750.

When Shadowkeep was released in early October 2019, Bungie had parted ways with publishing company Activision and started producing and developing content for their team's Destiny 2. Shadowkeep brought players back to the Earth's Moon, where they had to engage the Nightmare-based enemies with the main NPC for the event being Eris Morn, a character from the first game. Shadowkeep came with a lot of new features, such as new PvE strike missions, finishers, new equipment, PvP maps, a new raid called Garden of Salvation, the reintroduction of artifacts, and much more. Shadowkeep had a similar scale to the Forsaken update with all the gameplay changes and new features. Bungie leaving Activision, they had to go to Steam for the PC port, and Bungie introduced New Light, allowing new players to try the game for free and play for a good majority of the game.
A new series of seasons followed Shadowkeep, much like they released with the Forsaken DLC. The first, Season of the Undying, was released at the same time as Shadowkeep.
Season of the immortals

The Season of the Undying came out alongside Shadowkeep and featured the Black Garden. It was a weekly event where the Vex attacked the surface of the moon, invading the area where players had to defend against them in random locations all over the map. Players had to venture into the Black Garden where the Vex would congregate to prevent the Vex offensives from continuing where they fought two waves of enemies, then face off against the Big Boss at the end to receive weekly loot. The power cap had increased to 960.
Season of the Undying was also the first of the expansions to introduce a Battle Pass. Players had to upgrade it to gain additional items. There was a free version and a paid version, which cost 900 Silver, or $ 10,00.
Dawn season

After Season of the Undying, Season of the Dawn, where Osiris had returned from the Infinite Forest because the Vex was attempting to use the Sundial to turn back time and change the events of the Red War. Players had to venture into the Infinite Forest to help Osiris and stop the Vex. At the same time, players had the opportunity to help and rescue a legendary Guardian known as Saint-14. Saint-14 had perished in the Infinite Forest in search of Osiris years ago. Because the Sundial allows players to revisit previous events, they save it to bring it back to the present. The main focus of the event is the Osiris sundial and the many obelisks hidden in the solar system that connect to it. They offer unique Timelost weapons that players can continuously acquire for random traits that further enhance them.
Similar to the Season of the Immortals, Season of Dawn featured a Battle Pass that players could level up by completing a variety of different tasks and bounties in the game. There was a free version and a premium version, which cost $ 900. silver coins, i.e. $ 10,00.
We'll be updating this page with more DLC and expansions coming soon to Destiny 2.