Alien Storm it's a video game arcade developed by SEGA in 1990 and distributed in the following months for consoles Sega Mega Drive / Genesis and Sega Master System.
The video game was later converted too numerous other platforms in vogue in those years. In more recent years, Alien Storm has also been made available via Virtual Console for Wii and on Steam for Microsoft Windows. Without forgetting that the title is included in the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection available for PS3 and Xbox 360.
Alien Storm, as regards the protagonists of the game and its setting, is very reminiscent of Alien Syndrome, another beautiful video game arcade developed by SEGA. The gameplayInstead, it has been defined by many as rather similar to the mythical Golden Ax, which is good when you consider how beautiful and engaging that title was.
From the main menu, go to the Options menu and press the following key combination: UP, DOWN, C, DOWN, B, B, B, UP, C. At this point, press START to return to the main menu.
Go to the Sound Test menu and press START to return to the main menu again. Finally, enter the Options menu again and you will see a new option that allows you to choose the number of starting credits.
For this code you will need 2 controllers connected to the console. Start a single player game using the first controller. When you are about to die, press Start on Controller 2 to get new lives. You can repeat the trick anytime you want.
To use this trick you must use Scooter and you must have enough energy to self-destruct. When your life reaches zero, kill yourself and you can continue the game without actually dying.