Some practical tricks to detoxify from excessive use of the mobile phone

Spend too long attached to your smartphone between social notifications and scrolling of the latest news? You are probably not sick of technological dependence but you still need a little detox cure. So here are 6 good practices to adopt for reduce your mobile phone addiction!
Disable notifications from social networks
Think about it: do you really need to be alerted every time someone comments on your post or likes a comment you are following? Probably not. Disable notifications and you will find some peace.
Hide the most 'distracting' app icons
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. How many times have you consulted them just because the icons were on the home page? Move the icons to subsequent or internal screens and you will decrease the time you spend on these apps.
Set a dissuading background image
The simplest tricks are sometimes the most effective: for example, you can set 'Why are you using me?' As your smartphone background image. Every time you pick up your mobile you will think about it for a moment more before accessing social networks.
Hide the smartphone
There is no need to close your mobile phone in a drawer so as not to abuse it: when you work it is enough, for example, to put it behind the laptop in silent mode. The mere fact of not having it in sight will make you pass the desire to consult it.
Install a digital detox app
There are several, such as Checky (free for Android e iOS), which collects data on mobile phone usage and tracks progress effectively. Or AppDetox, which allows you to set time limits or fixed times to be spent within the individual apps. Or again Flipd (free for Android e iOS), which blocks access to certain apps for certain periods of time.
Don't keep your smartphone in the bedroom
See your smartphone as the last thing before falling asleep it doesn't just hurt your eyes and sleep, but it can make you nervous and delay the moment you fall asleep. When you go to sleep, leave your mobile phone (perhaps charging) in another room. Simple and effective.