Fortnite has become very popular despite the hatred it arouses among many players. One of the many reasons it has gained such a player base is the inclusion of so many cosmetic items to mix and match. Among the cosmetic items available, there are a ton of emotes players can use to express themselves. Here is a list of the ten rarest emotes in the game. Some of these emotes are no longer available or may become available in the future if Epic Games chooses to release them to the market.
This emote is probably the best known in the game. It was only available through a Season 2 Battle Pass. To get the Floss emote, players had to reach level 49 or purchase it with 950 v-bucks.
Ride the pony
This emote is based on the Gangnam style. It was only available by reaching level 20 in a Season 2 Battle Pass. During Season 2, it was also available for 950 V-Bucks. Currently, it is only available with the purchase of the Save the World Founder Pack. Players who were lucky enough to get this emote during Season 2 received the Pony Up emote after the pack was released.
Thumbs up and thumbs down
It's actually a pair of emojis and they're usually in the store at the same time. The pair can be used to show your approval or displeasure or to reenact famous scenes from Gladiator with your team. They can only be purchased in the store for 200 V-Bucks but are rarely available.
The worm
Based on the dance of the same name, this emote was only available in Season 2. This emote could only be received by reaching Battle Pass level 28. It has not been seen in the market or as a reward since. the end of season 2.
The Wave is a common emote in other games but not Fortnite. This is a crossing emote that was only available in Season 2 by reaching level 5 through the Battle Pass. If you don't have it, you'll have to find other ways to say hello until Epic decides to put it in the store.
Rock out
It's a popular emote that's only been seen seven times in the store. It can be purchased for 800 v-bucks in the Daily Store when available. Rock out is also part of the Volume 11 cosmetic set with the Anarchy Ax pickaxe, Six String bling back, Stage Dive glider, and Power Chord outfit.
Boneless is an interesting emote based on a stretching exercise performed by mixed martial artist Conor MacGregor. It can be purchased in the store for 500 V-bucks, but it hasn't been seen for some time. Since the emote first appeared in 2018, it has only appeared in the store about 6 times per year.
Rocket Rodeo
The Rocket Rodeo Emote is an epic item that can only be received by purchasing it from the Item Shop for $ 800. While this emote has appeared quite frequently after its first release, the time between availabilities has steadily increased. Players have to wait longer and longer to find it in the store after each spawn.
The Flapper
This emote is based on a popular dance from the Roaring Twenties. The emote costs 500 v-bucks in the Item Shop and is considered one of the rarest emotes in the game. One of the reasons for its rarity is the extended periods when it is not available.
This is a controversial emote that is currently unavailable if you haven't purchased it already. It is currently at the center of a copyright case due to its similarity to a dance from a well-known TV series. The emote was purchasable in the in-game store for $ 800, but has since been retired.