After 5 years here it is finally Zombie Army Trilogy also makes an appearance on Nintendo Switch. The title contains three spin-off chapters of the Sniper Elite saga.
The stealth components that have always characterized home games Rebellion, leave room for a more excited action in a'horror setting.
We are in one Berlin devastated by bombing and destruction, gloomy and desolate. Among the rubble, not just soldiers rise up, but Nazi-style zombies. In control, a powerful Hitler convinced that he could dominate the Second World War in this way.
Three campaigns and a horde mode will be the basis for this third person shooter, which has a lot of meat to put on the fire.
We want the Nazi Zombie heads
Zombie Army Trilogy basa la its structure on Sniper Elite, being what Rebellion calls one spin-off of the series. It is a third person shooter, with the exception of the use of sniper rifles, which will be viewed in first person. In practice, however, the title moves away a little compared to the main saga.
In fact, in the Sniper Elite games we have always been used to large play areas where the stealth components were the sovereign. The main purpose has always been to eliminate opponents without arousing the slightest suspicion, acting from afar or hidden in the bushes.
In Zombie Army Trilogy, however, this stealth base fails, as we will almost always be surrounded by hordes of enemies, ready to reclaim our brains!
Zombies are not easy opponents to deal with and are perhaps less predictable than real soldiers. They never attack alone and always try to surround us. This it forces us to rely on short-range weapons (assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns) or explosives, instead of the classic long-range weapons.
Let's think a little less, let's act a little more
Overall the title is more hectic, forces us to think fast and limits us a little in the action, forcing us to find a strategy that can save us in that melee of the undead.
The coverage systems are missing that we are used to looking for in Sniper Elite and this binds us to action: we will have to take the field aware of not being able to hide, but sure of having to make the best use of all the equipment we have, thinking with traps and tricks.
Of course, as mentioned, the sniper component is not entirely lacking that we can show off by lurking in some height or trying to take us away from the mass of zombies.
Il complex sniping system, strong of Rebellion productions, is not completely absent, but we will be able to find a real one accuracy only nel more difficult level (Sniper Elite), in which shots will be affected by wind direction and aim stabilization.
There is obviously no lack of features X-ray kill cam that we will get with precise hits in vital points.

- A Legion of Undead Super Soldiers threatens to overwhelm the whole of Europe!
- Playable in single player or cooperative mode for up to four players
- Includes remastered editions of Zombie Army 1 and 2 and an exclusive new third campaign
We leave for the Berlin of Zombie Army Trilogy
The Rebellion house game can be played both alone and in company (online or local) in both his campaign and horde mode.
But unfortunately played solo Zombie Army Trilogy it loses some of its charm, As missing of a deep storytelling and a real one characterization of the character. At the beginning of the challenge we will in fact have the opportunity to choose between eight different subjects that will change only in physical appearance and nothing more. The next choice, the one dedicated toequipmentIn fact, it will not be determined by our previous decision; here we can equip aprimary weapon (among several sniper rifles), a short-range rifle, a gun and then we can distribute the explosives (grenades, dynamite, mines).
I chapters they develop in a way rather linear, for each kill we will earn a series of points and, depending on the level chosen, we will find a certain number of enemies waiting for us. During the course of the narrative we will not have a real growth of our character, neither in terms of equipment nor of skills. We will also not be able to perform bailouts except through the various checkpoints distributed throughout the level.
Of all the episodes present, surely the third is the one you like best, both in terms of level design, and because it is a little more similar to the Sniper Elite structure.
Naturally play in company changes the matter a bit e it makes it so much more fun and interesting. In fact, taking advantage of the collaboration of our allies, we will be able to set up interesting strategies, combining close-up action with precise shots from afar and with the use of explosives, all for the success of the mission.
Point in favor of longevity which is about 15 hours (also based on the difficulty of the game) which can obviously grow by practicing in the horde mode. In total there will be three chapters consisting of 5 missions each.
Other interesting features that belong only to the Switch version are the technology support HD Rumble and motion control.
Zombie Army Trilogy returns to Switch: do we want to relive it?
Zombie Army Trilogy it is definitely an interesting title to play on Switch, especially in the presence of friends. It is precisely here, in fact, that the game shows its best side, taking advantage of a gameplay much richer in strategy. In cooperative action alone is set aside slightly, to make room for more studied actions, in the style of Sniper Elite. Dealing with Nazi zombies alone loses its charm slightly and forces us to fast and melee action.
Not bad anyway because, even so, the title is fun and remains an excellent pastime, light and without too many pretensions.

Zombie Army Trilogy
- Longevity suitable for the title
- Fun gameplay especially in co-op
- HD Rumble support
- Lack of a strong narrative
- Little care in progression