6 search engines to discover faces online

A face does not have exactly the same characteristics of uniqueness and unmistakability as a fingerprint, but it can still be acquired and placed in a search engine. The facial recognitioncombined with data from surveillance cameras or online profiles, it is a powerful tool for identifying people and following their every movement.
From a more "frivolous" point of view, the search for a face can lead you to discover your own double (perhaps even with celebrities) or at least understand how your personal images are distributed online.
Here six search engines that have facial recognition as their primary or secondary purpose. They will probably amaze you. Let's see what they can reveal about you or your friends.
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1) Google Images: reverse image search
Did you know that Google can also be used as an image search engine? That is, instead of a classic keyword or combination of keywords you can use an image to search for similar images.
In the search field, click on the camera icon to search by image. You can either paste the image URL or load the image directly, and Google will search for similar images.
In the box "Visually similar images"Images that look like the one you just uploaded appear: you will see many other people that Google thinks are similar to each other. The interesting aspect is that the image results are not strictly relevant images (where the site posted your image), but only "similar" images of people similar to you.
The search results, on the other hand, are links to sites that host the image you just uploaded. These results are accurate and complete.
2) Yandex
Unless you live in Russia, it is unlikely that you have ever heard of Yandex. It is currently one of the most popular search engines ever in the huge federal republic, making it the Russian answer to Google.
And when it comes to facial recognition, it's even better than Google. The procedure is similar to that of Google: select the camera icon to the right of the search field and click on Select a file. This way you can upload your image.
Once this is done, you will see both the results in the form of an image and of addresses, similar to what Google does.
Yandex is very effective in finding photos that relate to ourselves, not just those of people who look like us.
3) PicTriev
PicTriev is a search engine that actually searches for similar faces. Unfortunately, the feature is limited only to celebrities..
What you have to do is enter the URL or upload a photo in JPG or JPEG format, no larger than 200 Kb, and the search engine will pull out the celebrities it has found online.
PicTriev it also allows you to compare the similarity between two faces or estimate if the photos of two faces belong to the same person. Click on the icon at the top right http://www.pictriev.com/fc.php upload two photos, selected similarity o identity, and let PicTriev do his math.
Finally, for best results, you should upload two front face photos with an eye gap greater than 80 pixels. Select a rectangular area around a face when there is more than one in the loaded image.

4) TinEye
The reverse image search of TinEye it works almost like Google. You can upload an image or paste a URL and search. TinEye does not support other search operators, thus making everything simpler and more basic.
Unfortunately the site made its fortune in the past, but today its search index appears largely out of date.
Unlike Google, TinEye links directly to the pages where it found images, and skips similar images.
5) PimEyes
PimEyes uses images and facial recognition to search for similar faces on more than 10 million websites. Demos using famous faces like those of Angelina Jolie or Zac Efron look promising.
For example, you can search Jennifer Aniston's face using four different photos at the same time. PimEyes will find the original photos, as well as others, of the same actress.
The curious aspect of the site is that, although the app finds the original images used for the search, the similarity is given a score of about 70%. Shouldn't it be close to 100%? Or does the algorithm also take image resolution, size, brightness, and other digital changes into account?

6) Betaface
Betaface offers a type of facial recognition similar to PicTriev's photographic identification. You can upload an image or send the URL of the image itself and the face search engine will isolate and characterize all the faces it can identify in the photo.
Then, you can compare faces (with other uploaded images), search for celebrities, or search Wikipedia data for each recognized face. The results will appear in the table Face recognition matches.
This tool is useful for uploading and comparing photos in large quantities. In addition to classifying faces based on "101 pro facial points"(as they write on the site), you can also enable extended geometric and color measurements, as well as a" best face only "feature.
Both, unfortunately, slow down processing, but on the other hand improve the quality of the awards.
La facial recognition technology has made great strides in recent years, but the online services that allow you to use them do not generally last long. With some exceptions: the sites we talked about have been around for some time, they generally work and just need to be tried. What are you waiting for?