Xiaomi continues to expand on Italian territory, and it does so thanks also to the new stores that are depopulating in our peninsula. The next? It will be the Mi Store of the Fiordaliso shopping center in Rozzano.
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Xiaomi: new Mi Store at the Cornflower
The tenth official Italian Mi Store officially has a location: it is the Fiordaliso Shopping Center, in Rozzano, in the province of Milan. The inauguration, complete with ceremony and ribbon cutting, is scheduled for Saturday 5 October at 11:00.
The opening of the new Mi Store confirms the commitment of Xiaomi in bringing their business model "Triathlon”Also in our market, a priority in its global expansion path, which includes Hardware, Internet Services and New Retail. The efficient 'New Retail' omnichannel sales strategy is capable of delivering affordable products to the largest user base.
In the new Mi Store you can buy all Xiaomi products currently available in Italy. So not only the famous smartphone, but also many smart devices for the home automation, robot vacuum cleaners, electric scooters and lighting devices. He will do his too before comparsa the brand new Notes redmi 8 Pro, the new camera-phone presented only a few days ago.
For all Fan me who will register for the opening event through this link, there will be exclusive benefits, including the ability to win multiple prizes. Furthermore, the former 50 My Fan who will be accredited will be able to access the store through a Bus Lane which will allow you to skip the queue and receive one T-shirt.
But it does not end there, Xiaomi seems unstoppable and in the coming months, new stores will be opened in the main cities of the country, with the aim of bringing all Italians the best innovation.
TagsMi Store Xiaomi Xiaomi Mi Store Xiaomi: new Mi Store at the Fiordaliso shopping center