Wing Commander is the video game that started a successful series. This flight simulator science fiction was developed by the Origin System for MS-DOS and later converted to Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Amiga and Sega CD.
Wing Commander is set in 2654 and speaks of a global war, a kind of world war, set in space. The pilots are part of the Earth Confederation fighting the Kilrathi, an aggressive cat-like race that has waged a bloody war with the Earth Confederation.
The game is heavily influenced by missions: if these are successful, they lead to advancement in rank and to have better and more powerful means. If the missions fail you will be demoted and, in some cases, you will lose the game.
The player takes on the role of an unnamed pilot, a cadet of the glorious TCS Tiger Claw, a Bengal-class spaceship. You can choose the pilot's name and nickname and start missions immediately. If the missions are successful, the pilot is brought in to deliver a decisive blow to the Kilrathi army by attacking their headquarters in the Venice sector.
1RCCMCBLGW - 2 - McAuliffe
1HCWFKVMZH - 3 - Gimle
DHDKCCWBRC - 4 - Dakota
JHFHTFYMCO - 5 - Kurasawa
DGNWP2XCLW - 6 - Venice
On the home screen, press B, A, B, Y, B, Y, L, A, R, A, START. Go to the options menu and select any mission from those available in the 13 areas.
Wing Commander - SNES