Windows 7 will be end of support from January 15, 2021 - in other words in a few months. It remains one of the most popular versions of Windows with even over 40% market share. After this date, PCs running Windows 7 will no longer benefit from updates or technical support. In this file, we explain what it means and how to prepare for it. But also the alternatives to Windows 10 if you don't want to migrate.
We talk a lot about the fragmentation of the Android ecosystem ... yet there is also something to say about that of Windows PCs! Here the problem is not necessarily quite the same. It is indeed possible for almost any PC less than 10 years old to upgrade to Windows 10. However, the last major version of Windows has not yet won over the majority of users. And believe it or not, it's still the majority of PCs running Windows 7. A real problem when we know that Windows 7 has reached the end of its life, and that the support will definitively end on January 14, 2021.
Summary- Windows 7 at the end of support: what does it mean?
- Windows 7: what to do after end of support?
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Windows 7 at the end of support: what does it mean?
All Windows operating systems have what Microsoft calls a “lifecycle”. In other words, after a certain number of years, the firm stops the costs. Windows 7 was launched almost 10 years ago, and two other versions of Windows have since been released: Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. However, Windows 7 is still very popular - it is even the most installed version of Windows in the world. world with still 40% of market share.
Also read: Microsoft to charge for security updates for Windows 7 from 2021
After a first end of support in 2015, the extended support allowed to continue to maintain the system. But even extended support will eventually come to an end and Windows 7 will definitely be at the end of its life from January 14, 2021. After that date, PCs running Windows 7 will no longer be updated and this poses several problems for those who want to stay on. this version :
- No more bugs will be corrected
- No more security breaches will be corrected
- No more technical support will be provided
- The applications will gradually no longer be optimized for this version
The problem is that due to the still large user base of Windows 7, it becomes very interesting for hackers to continue to find and exploit system vulnerabilities: once the support will end, in fact, hackers will have plenty of time to document and exploit flaws without them ever being corrected. Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule. During the occurrence of the WannaCry ransomware, for example, Microsoft had exceptionally pushed update patches all the way to Windows XP. A very rare situation which is justified only by cyber-attacks with global repercussions.
In other words, if you have passed this date sensitive files and software on a Windows 7 PC, you will run a very real risk of hacking.
Windows 7: what to do after end of support?
After the end of technical support it will still be possible to use Windows 7 and even activate copies on any PC. Apart from the security of your computer, its data, its stability and the compatibility with certain programs, nothing obliges you, therefore, to do anything. Nevertheless, it is still strongly recommended to upgrade to a newer version of the system like Windows 10 or to an alternative operating system - for example one of the many distributions of Linux:
Upgrade to Windows 10
This is undoubtedly the most obvious choice for several reasons:
- The update process is specially designed and optimized to be simple and preserves your personal files
- The interface is extremely similar to Windows 7 which avoids changing your habits
- You will find the same programs there
- You are quiet until the end of its life (in 2025)
Switching to Windows 10 is very easy: just go to Microsoft's site and download the update assistant. To activate your copy of Windows, however, you will need to purchase a license. There are three types, depending on how you use your computer:
- Windows 10 Home : € 145
- Windows 10 Professional : € 256
- Windows 10 Professional for workstations : € 439
In most cases, a family or professional license is sufficient. These prices are the official prices on Microsoft's store.You want to upgrade to Windows 10, but is your PC powerful enough? In reality, you don't need a war machine to run Windows 10.
Here are the minimum requirements:
- Processor : 1 GHz or more
- RAM : 1 Go (version 32 bits) ou 2 Go (version 64 bits)
- Disk space : 16 Go (version 32 bits) ou 20 Go (version 64 bits) disponibles
- Graphic card : DirectX 9.0 and above compatible
- Screen : X 800 600
Also read: how to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free
Switch to Linux
It is undoubtedly a more ambitious choice, because it shakes up the habits and programs that we are used to using a little. But Linux has many advantages over Windows:
- Free and open source
- No “end of support”, regular updates
- Less targeted by viruses than Windows
- Extensive catalog of free and open source applications
- Ability to find alternatives to almost any Windows application
- Wide variety of distributions suitable for all types of configurations
To switch to Linux, you first need to choose which distro you want to install - a distro being essentially an operating system built around Linux. Here are 5 distributions that are ideal for getting started:
1. Ubuntu is arguably the most popular Linux distribution. It is characterized by the emphasis placed by its developers on ease of use. It is very easy to install and use thanks to a familiar graphical environment, a package manager that facilitates the installation of programs. Also, most of your peripherals should be recognized and installing the correct drivers without any action on your part. It is the system of choice if you do not want to dive into the Terminal and the commands to optimize your system ...
2. Linux Mint Cinnamon is perfect for those new to Windows 7. Why? Mainly because of its interface which is very similar to that of Microsoft's OS. The Cinnamon graphical environment offers a menu and taskbar that looks a lot like their Windows counterparts. It is a light and very fast system, which can be installed even on very old PCs, or with very modest configuration.
* Choose the Cinnamon version carefully to take advantage of the good graphical environment
3. Zorin OS has the same advantages as Linux Mina Cinnamon: its graphical environment similar to Windows is designed precisely so as not to lose the switchers. Its developers nevertheless push the rapprochement with the Windows interface a bit further. To avoid learning to use the package manager, Zorin OS comes with a preinstalled software library especially provided. Wine and PlayOnLinux are preinstalled there, which also allows you to directly launch .exe programs and PC games in Linux!
4. Linux Mint Mate is a variant that is there both not to lose too much Windows users with a similar interface, but also to be able to install on computers whose modest configuration has passed the test of time badly. Its lightness should give a good boost to the performance of your computer.
5. Manjaro is a distribution based on Arch Linux - a variant known to be more complex and stable, and generally not recommended for beginners. Nevertheless Manjaro has taken the advantages of Arch Linux with a different approach, around intuitiveness and ease of use. So much so that Manjaro is also a great distribution to start with.
Purchase an extended support license to enjoy updates until 2023
If you are a business, you can also get additional reprieve by paying Microsoft to provide Windows 7 security updates and patches through 2023. Unfortunately, individuals are excluded from this extended support. Microsoft has a per-machine pricing, and the price doubles every year during the three years of support. In addition, the price of the service is half the price for Windows 7 Enterprise customers (updates are provided as an “add-on” without really explaining what this means) than for Windows 7 Pro customers. .
This extended support is subject to other conditions. For example, to buy extended support from the second or third year, you have to pay for the previous years. Additionally, the document states that these updates cover all programs and channels, including volume licensing and Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider. So for the first year, that is to say between January 2021 and January 2021, it takes $ 25 per machine for Enterprise customers and $ 50 for Pro customers. The second year (January 2021 to January 2022), the price doubles to $ 50 for Enterprise and $ 100 for Pro. In the third year (January 2022 to January 2023), it takes $ 100 for Enterprise customers and $ 200 for Professional customers.
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- Windows 7
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