Your Windows 10 PC crashes and you want to know the most orthodox solutions to solve the situation? Want to keep your computer crashing as little as possible? In this guide we explore the possible causes of crashes, the steps to regain control of your PC, as well as ways to minimize the risk of crashes.
There are many reasons why your Windows 10 PC is crashing. Most often, this kind of inconvenience is caused by programs that are corrupted, bugged, or using too many system resources. In some cases, the reasons may be more obscure - for example the cosmic rays constantly bombarding the Earth can cause bit flips in RAM. Finally, some repeated crashes are a sign of hardware problems.
Summary- Windows 10: How to regain control of a crashed PC
- Windows 10: How to make your PC crash less
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Windows 10: How to regain control of a crashed PC
To do this, it is recommended to always follow the same steps in order:
1. Wait a few seconds
Sometimes regaining control of a PC is all about… waiting. We're not talking about waiting an unreasonable amount of time here - around XNUMX seconds is usually enough to form an opinion on the matter. Going too quickly to the following steps can in some cases worsen the situation and lead you to lose your job (if you forgot to save ...)
2. Try to quit the application (s) that are open.
If you have identified the faulty application, try to close it normally, by clicking on La Croix or by right-clicking on the taskbar and clicking on quit. If that doesn't work, click on the open application window and simultaneously press Alt + F4.
3. Open the task manager
If at this stage your PC or application is still blocked, you must open the task manager:
- Simultaneously press Ctrl + Alt + Suppr
- Click on Task Manager
- Click on Plus de détails
The window that appears shows you a list of applications and processes and their rate of CPU and memory usage.
- Click on the word CPU at the top of the column so that the list is ordered from the most demanding application to the lightest
- Right click on the applications that consume the most CPU
- Click on Force quit
You can repeat the operation with the memory usage rate if that did not solve the problem. In case it's not really an application, but your Windows Desktop and Taskbar that seem to be blocked, don't panic: look in the list for the Windows Explorer or Windows Explorer process, right-click on it and click on To restart.
Warning: when you force an application to quit, you will generally lose anything that has not been saved ...
4. Restart your PC
If your computer is still stuck and you are not afraid of losing your unsaved work (at this stage, it is probably, in any case, lost…) try restarting the PC.
We assume that you have already tried unsuccessfully to do it normally via the menu Start :
Force 1
- Simultaneously press Win + L
- Restart from the login screen
Force 2
- Simultaneously press Ctrl + Alt + Suppr
- Click on the On / Off icon at the bottom right then click on To restart
Force 3
Nothing works anymore?
- Hold down the physical On / Off button on your computer for a few seconds until it turns off
This method is clearly not the “cleanest” and we only recommend using it as a last resort. In the event that a blue screen of death appears, this will still be the only solution you have left.
Windows 10: How to make your PC crash less
If your PC crashes only occasionally, and 95% of the time you can use your PC without tearing your hair out, there is no reason to go further. Occasional crashes are normal on consumer machines and are usually related to minor bugs or bit flips if your computer does not have ECC memory. On the other hand, if this kind of problem occurs often, there is bound to be something wrong.
Before we start, don't forget to update everything, especially your drivers and the BIOS / EFI of your motherboard (if available)...
If nothing improves, follow these steps in order:
1. View reliability history
This tool integrated into Windows provides a starting point for further research on the Internet. It allows you to view crashes chronologically and can point you in one direction. For example, the program may reveal that a crash has occurred due to your hard drive (probably a sign that it should be replaced). History also shows you when you have installed system updates which can in some cases cause you to roll back.
To access this tool:
- Click on the search box next to the Start menu
- Start typing reliability
- Click on View reliability history
2. Scan your PC for viruses
As you were told above, a corrupted program, malware, adware, or any other type of malicious software could be the cause of the crash. You can perform a quick scan with Windows Defender, but to be 100% sure that no program threatens your computer, we advise you to repeat the operation with free third-party solutions like Avast et Malwarebytes.
3. Make sure your PC is not full of dust or dirty
A PC with too hot the CPU and GPU can crash, as can dirt causing false contacts on your motherboard. Whether you have a desktop tower or a laptop, it is usually easy to open for cleaning.
Gently clean the motherboard, especially without any liquid, and taking your time. Disconnect and reconnect the RAM. Pay special attention to removing dust from the fans (for example by gently wiping it with a dry cotton swab). If possible, optimize the thermal transfer between the processor, GPU and their respective cooling solution by replacing their thermal paste.
4. Attempt to restore a point of restoration
If the crashes started recently, they are most likely related to something that has taken place in the meantime. Try to revert to an earlier restore point. For it :
- Click on the search box next to the Start menu
- Start typing Restauration
- Click on Create a restore point
- In the window that has just opened, click on System Restauration…
5. If the problem persists, reset Windows
Sometimes the only solution is to start from scratch. Back up your data first, then:
- Click on the search box next to the Start menu
- Start typing reset
- Click on Reset this PC
If this reset method crashes, or does not work, we recommend that you follow this tutorial to create installation media, and install from the DVD you burned or from a bootable USB key.
6. Use a tool on live CD / USB to analyze possible hardware problems
We recommend in particular All-In-One System Rescue Toolkit which is burned on a CD or is put on a bootable USB key. You can download its ISO directly from this link. Specifically test the CPU, graphics card, RAM and HDD / SSD. In the event of a problem, you will know if you need to change one or more components to find a more pleasant user experience.
7. My PC is still crashing, what should I do?
Before calling Ghost Busters, there is already an observation: by resetting your PC, the software causes are now eliminated. There is obviously one or more hardware problems that you did not detect. If you have less than 8 GB of RAM and your HDD / SSD is over 3-4 years old, you can probably try adding some RAM * and replacing the storage device.
* Check that the type of modules installed in all the slots is the same and that the frequency of the RAM is compatible with your motherboard and processor at the risk of causing even more crashes!
From this point on, however, if the problems persist, it is best to contact a repairer and explain all the steps you have already taken.
Also read: Windows 10 - how to find the WiFi code effortlessly
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