sometimes Destiny 2 will throw a note at you that you've never met before. During the arrivals season, many players wonder what disintegration destruction is. This is because the Drifter's Means to an End quest will send you on a weekly hunt for Umbral traces, and sometimes you can get them faster by killing the decay.
What does disintegration kill?
Normally when you kill an enemy it just falls over the dead, but sometimes you will notice it dissolving or disintegrating in front of your eyes. Disintegration destruction is any final blow that causes this effect on an enemy.
So, class abilities like your trusty Titan Shoulder Charge or a powerful slap from a Warlock will make this happen. The vast majority of Supers in the game will also result in its occurrence. All of the Fusion Rifles and Linear Fusion Rifles in the game will also cause this type of death, making it a great way to wrap up this challenge really quickly.
The best place to farm them for this particular part of the challenge is the Menagerie. Not only will you generate a large number of Shadow Traces yourself and get a lot of disintegration kills, just being close to friendly units that kill enemies will also earn you Shadow Traces.
Remember to use your super often, not only to kill, but also to generate Orbs of Light for your team. This will allow them to super, creating orbs of light for you, and you can once again burst your super to take out the mobs and score many disintegrating victims.
Ideally, supers like the Nova Warp, Stormtrance, Hammer of Sol, and Arc Staff are what you should use in your Menagerie race, as they will all generate kills.