Please Note: Some players in the community have reported that this method did not work for them and actually excluded them from a triumph that is part of the All-Mighty Season 10 title. However, this is a separate known issue unrelated to the issue. Bungie wants to fix this issue at some point in the season, so don't panic if this happens to you. However, you should still read and follow these instructions carefully if you want to use this exploit properly.
Triple your rewards
The Pinnacle Seraph Bunker rewards glitch can be performed on all three characters of a player to triple the Pinnacle rewards earned, so if you haven't filled all the character slots on your account yet, this would be a great time to do it. to do. If you only have two characters, you can still collect the peak rewards twice, although it doesn't take long to create a new character. After all, if the bunker engram awards weapons, you can still transfer peak weapons earned on other character slots to your main character.
You might also be able to use this feat for each bunker that you haven't fully upgraded. In other words, if you have three characters on your account and none of them have leveled any of the bunkers after level 4, you could potentially earn nine tip rewards. Pinnacle rewards can help you increase your power level beyond 1000, which will come in handy for the new and impending Nightfall: The Ordeal Grandmaster difficulty. Ideally, you'll want your characters to be at least power level 1008 to ensure you get the highest level rewards for this issue (boosted to 1010).
Resource preparation
Each bunker requires 3060 Warmind bits, 510 planetary materials, and a maximum of 254 Legendary Shards. Multiply accordingly the number of bunkers you will use this achievement on and gain access to farming materials and collecting chipsets.
To upgrade the Io Seraph Bunker, which is the currently active bunker, you'll need to collect Legendary Chipsets and Shards, along with the destination's resources, Phaseglass Needles. For the EDZ Bunker you will need Dusklight Shards, while the Moon Bunker requires helium filaments. Each of these planetary resources can be found on their respective planet / moon, and often they can be traded for other resources with Spider at the Tangled Shore.
Wait until you get the level 5 engram
Those who want to exploit this problem should upgrade their Seraph Bunkers just reached integration level 5 without collecting the engram he proposes. It is . You must, however, collect the four bunker rank bonuses that are awarded at this point to receive fourteen chipsets and a powerful reward. Once you've reached that point, move on to your next character - always collect the level 5 engram.
Change characters and wait to collect engrams
Once you have switched to your second character, return to the bunker you mounted to integration level 5. Rather than seeing the engram you left with your first character, you will see the 14 chipsets that were given to you. granted with the Bunker Rank Bonus. Use 7 of them to get the bunker up to level 6, again without collecting the engram. Then, if you have a third character, move on to this one, go back to the same bunker, and go to level 7 with your remaining 7 chipsets. Again, leave the engram. Then go back to your first character and go back to the bunker.
Powerful turns to Pinnacle
With your first character returning to the bunker, you can now collect the engram, which should have turned into a spike reward. If your character is at power level 1008, you're guaranteed to receive a peak reward of 1010 (assuming you've followed the instructions). Once you've collected this reward, you can also return to the bunker with each of your other characters to collect their rewards. You can repeat this process on each bunker that you have not yet leveled after integration level 4.
The important thing to note here is that you should always collect the first pinnacle reward with the first character you used to upgrade the bunker to level 5. Good luck, Guardians!