Win 7, Vista, like XP, has an account named "Administrator" but it is hidden and not enabled by default.
For this account to appear in the list of users on the home screen, the method is different depending on whether you are using a "family" version of Vista or a professional (or Ultimate) version.
- The techniques
- Creation of the Administrator key in the registry
- Activation of the administrator account
- Important
The techniques
For the Pro (or Integral) versions the easiest way is to go through Local Users and Groups.
- In the search bar of the Start menu, type lusrmgr.msc and validate.
- Click on Users.
- In the window on the right, go to Administrator then Properties and uncheck the box "The account is disabled"
For the "family" versions it is necessary to proceed in two stages:
- Create the Administrator key in the registry.
- Activate the Administrator account.
Creation of the Administrator key in the registry
- Back up your registry (in case of problem).
- Open the registry editor.
- Go to :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon
- Right-click on Winlogon -> New -> Key, give it the name SpecialAccounts and validate.
- Repeat the same operation by right-clicking on SpecialAccounts to create a UserList subkey and validate.
- In the window on the right in front of UserList, right-click -> New -> DWORD value (32 bits) and give it the name Administrator with the value 1 by checking Decimal (right-click -> Modify).
- Close editor ...
Activation of the administrator account
The next step is to activate the presence of the Administrator account in the choice of user accounts at logon:
- Open a command window, go to the Start menu -> All programs -> Accessories -> Right click on Command prompt -> Run as administrator.
- Taper
net user Administrateur /active:yes
(with a space between Administrator and /) and validate.
- The notification
The order completed successfully
confirms its proper execution.
- Close the command prompt window.
The result is immediate, there is no need to restart. Just log off to see administrator in the list.
If you want to hide "Administrator" again, all you have to do is set the value to 0 in the registry.
Be careful, as in XP, it is preferable not to use this account for current work. It should be reserved for repairs and / or modifications requiring unrestricted access. Do not use it to browse the net because the computer would be much more vulnerable.