How to uninstall an add-on from your browser
Here is a summary of the methods to uninstall an add-on from your browser. Usually, the more obvious options only allow you to disable a plug-in, without uninstalling it from your computer.
Certain modules / plugins / extensions are necessary for the correct display of Internet pages, so be sure not to uninstall anything (or even disable).
- Our video
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Opera
- Safari
- Uninstall option is not available
Our video
Uploading your "FAQ: How to uninstall an add-on" videoGoogle Chrome
- Click on the three small dots (formerly three small horizontal bars) located at the top right, choose More tools / Tools and Extensions
- Click on the basket to the right of the extension then validate with Remove.
Mozilla Firefox
- Click on the three small horizontal bars located at the top right, choose Modules (under Windows XP, menu Tools and Modules complémentaires)
- In this tab, select the panel Extensions or Appearance
- Select the add-on you want to uninstall
- Click on the button Remove. If necessary, click on uninstall to confirm, then restart the browser.
If you cannot uninstall this module, go to this page.
Internet Explorer
- In the menu bar, click Tools then Manage Add-ons
- In the manager that appears, select the chosen module
- Click on Remove and confirm
- In the browser menu bar, click Extensions and Manage extensions
- Select the desired extension and click uninstall
- Click on the cogwheel at the top right, then click on Preferences and Extensions
(Or if you've displayed the menu bar, click Edit, then Preferences)
- Select the desired extension and click uninstall
For those who cause bugs see this page.
Uninstall option is not available
If you cannot uninstall a module via the browser, it is because it is uninstalled like "classic" software.
See a small help sheet for Windows and Mac.
Some parasitic extensions on Google Chrome can be "installed according to a company rule". Do not hesitate to ask for help on the Virus / Security forum.