Uninstall an add-on

How to uninstall an add-on from your browser

Uninstall an add-on
Here is a summary of the methods to uninstall an add-on from your browser. Usually, the more obvious options only allow you to disable a plug-in, without uninstalling it from your computer.

Certain modules / plugins / extensions are necessary for the correct display of Internet pages, so be sure not to uninstall anything (or even disable).

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Google Chrome

Uninstall an add-on

  • Click on the three small dots (formerly three small horizontal bars) located at the top right, choose More tools / Tools and Extensions
  • Click on the basket to the right of the extension then validate with Remove.


Mozilla Firefox

Uninstall an add-on

  • Click on the three small horizontal bars located at the top right, choose Modules (under Windows XP, menu Tools and Modules complémentaires)
  • In this tab, select the panel Extensions or Appearance
  • Select the add-on you want to uninstall
  • Click on the button Remove. If necessary, click on uninstall to confirm, then restart the browser.

If you cannot uninstall this module, go to this page.

Internet Explorer

Uninstall an add-on

  • In the menu bar, click Tools then Manage Add-ons
  • In the manager that appears, select the chosen module
  • Click on Remove and confirm



Uninstall an add-on

  • In the browser menu bar, click Extensions and Manage extensions
  • Select the desired extension and click uninstall



Uninstall an add-on

  • Click on the cogwheel at the top right, then click on Preferences and Extensions

(Or if you've displayed the menu bar, click Edit, then Preferences)

  • Select the desired extension and click uninstall

For those who cause bugs see this page.

Uninstall option is not available

Uninstall an add-onIf you cannot uninstall a module via the browser, it is because it is uninstalled like "classic" software.
See a small help sheet for Windows and Mac.

Some parasitic extensions on Google Chrome can be "installed according to a company rule". Do not hesitate to ask for help on the Virus / Security forum.

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