Looking for free games to spend your time with? Ubisoft he thought of you. The French publisher has in fact decided to offer players three free titles: Assassin’s Creed II, Rayman Legends e Child of Light.
Ubisoft's free games: how do i redeem them?
Let's get to the bad news right away: games aren't available on consoles. In fact, the offer is valid only and exclusively for the PC versions.
Then pay attention to the time factor. You can redeem the three titles by 5 May and not beyond.
Finally you have to necessarily redeem them from Uplay, Ubisoft's digital store. Nothing complicated. All you have to do is:
- visit the official website and download the dedicated software;
- open the Uplay program:
- click on the Store tab;
- look for free titles;
- redeem them.
At that point they will be yours forever and you can decide whether to install them immediately or do it in the future.
Assassin's Creed II
The Assassin's Creed saga is perhaps one of the most popular in the world. Born in 2007, the series today consists of a lot of different chapters, focused on different protagonists and historical eras.
But know that this has not always been the case.
In 2009 Ubisoft launched Assassin's Creed II, a title that followed the events of the very Italian Ezio Auditore, the only murderer to have earned another two episodes dedicated to his incredible adventures.
If you love conspiracies, Templars, stealth games and the Renaissance, this is the video game for you.
Rayman Legends
Rayman Legends is the fifth chapter of another famous videogame series. This time, however, we are faced with a platform, that is an action game where the individual levels are built by platforms. This means that you will mainly have to run, jump and punch your opponents with timing.
The protagonist? Obviously Rayman, the cute little limbless monster who wakes up after sleeping for a century. He is responsible for stopping the new threats by crossing worlds that blend myths and legends.
Unmissable and also suitable for the little ones.
Child of Light
Finally, we come to the last title of our list of free games. But don't expect the chapter of a saga because Child of Light it is absolutely unique, from many points of view.
Not only is it free from prequels and sequels but boasts unique graphics that will remind you of watercolor drawings. Also wonderful is the soundtrack, truly evocative, and the story, which follows the adventures of Aurora, a girl with long red hair who will have to fight against dark creatures to be able to return to her kingdom.
To be recovered if you have not yet done so.
Are free games never enough for you?
Are you looking for other free games? No fear. For now we can advise you:
- 8 Free Titles with Amazon Twitch Prime
- Deus Ex Go now in regalo on iOS and Android
- Runaway - A Road Adventure is free until May 5th;
- PlayStation is giving away 2 free titles for PS4 until May 6:
- Epic Games Store is giving away two games until May 7;
- Mafia XNUMX RPG on Steam.

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