How much money do streamers make on Twitch? A question answered on YouTube by the Canadian influencer Disguised Toast, particularly known for his content on Hearthstone. Between donations, subscriptions, advertisements, and partnerships, it can run into tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.
Famous Canadian streamer Disguised Toast, best known for his Hearthstone streams on Twitch, posted a video in which he explains how content creators make money, and reveals how much he earns himself every month: 20 000 dollars. According to Jeremy Wang, whose real name is, there are 4 main sources of income for a living from Twitch.
The first is donations. Viewers can volunteer to pay streamers by sending them a donation in the amount of their choice. An amount which amounts to approximately $ 2500 monthly for Disguised Toast, who explains that this is huge compared to its audience. Some streamers constantly encourage their viewers to donate, and sometimes offer to send personalized photos or videos via Snapchat to the most generous donors.
How much money do streamers make on Twitch? Disguised Toast responds on video
Then comes the advertising revenue. Every time a user opens a stream, an advertisement appears. Then the streamers are free to send advertising as they see fit and the revenue generated is shared with Twitch. Disguised Toast recovers on average 4000 dollars in this way every month. There again, he considers himself in the low range for the number of spectators he manages to gather on his streams because he has very little recourse to manual advertising launch.
Another way to make money, partnerships and sponsored content. Posts on social networks, a brand's logo in a corner of the screen, there are many solutions. Some publishers even pay streamers to play their game and gain visibility. When it was launched in Your Country, the card game Shadowverse had for example been streamed by many Hearthstone influencers as part of a partnership. Here, the calculation is more complicated, it is a question of negotiations. But it can shows up $ 1 per hour per spectator. Disguised Toast managing to bring together 10 people on its streams, that can quickly do a lot.
Finally, the most stable and often the most profitable way to make money on Twitch is through subscriptions. To support streamers, viewers have the option of subscribing to their channel for 5 euros per month (a free subscription for Amazon Prime customers). In exchange, they receive some advantages: a badge, emoticons or other advantages decided by the streamer (access to the chat for example). Disguised Toast Reveals Winning $ 14 thanks to its 000 subscribers (a portion is donated to Twitch). The largest streamers (+ 10 subscribers) receive 000% of the money from subscriptions. A Ninja with 70 subscribers therefore generates $ 121 per month just with the subscriptions. Ninja revealed in March 000 to earn $ 423 per month on Twitch and YouTube, it may well have even underestimated this amount.
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