Tutorial: How to install Android 4.3 on your Galaxy S3

Tutorial: How to install Android 4.3 on your Galaxy S3

Although the Galaxy S4.3 Android 3 update, launched in December, is available to almost all users, some are not yet able to install it OTA. Fortunately, it is possible to force this by manually installing the firmware on your smartphone. We will explain how to do it.

How to force update Android 4.3 from Galaxy S3

Although this is an official firmware, no such manipulation is guaranteed without risk. Therefore, neither, nor the author of this article can be held responsible for any damage that may occur during installation.


Before updating your Galaxy S4.3 to Android 3, you must perform the following operations.

Perform a full backup of your data using our tutorial

Then go to Sammobile or here for download firmware by making the following selection:

  1. Device type: Smartphone
  2. OS : Android
  3. Modèle : Galaxy SIII GT I9300
  4. Country: select here either your operator or the firmware corresponding to the bare version of the device

Then fill in the following information:

  • PDA: I9300XXUGMK6
  • CSC: I9300OXXGML1

Download Odin3 v3.09 here or here

Installing Android 4.3 ROM on Galaxy S3

  • Unzip the downloaded archive
  • Open Odin3 v3.09 on your PC
  • Restart your smartphone in "Download" mode by simultaneously pressing the keys Power + Volume Haut + Volume Bas
  • Connect your phone to the USB input of your PC
  • Once your Galaxy S3 is recognized by Odin, a blue signal will appear
  • Add the archive md5 file to the AP field
  • Check that the Re-Partition box is unchecked
  • Click on Start and wait a few minutes

In case of problems during the installation

  • Restart your smartphone in mode Recovery by pressing the keys Power + Home + Volume Up
  • Select option Wipe / Factory Reset using the volume control keys

If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask your questions on the Galaxy S3 tutorials forum.

  • Android Jelly Bean
  • Samsung Galaxy S3
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