# 10 - Lucario
Lucario is a fantastic fighting type attacker in Pokemon Go thanks to the charged Aura Sphere movement. Mega Lucario should make this mighty Pokémon even stronger! The only reason Lucario isn't higher on this list is because of competition from another Mega Pokemon, and because it's pretty hard to get your hands on a Lucario in the first place. Mega Blaziken, Gallade, Heracross, Medicham, and Lopunny will certainly be respectable fighting types, but Lucario's power is undeniable.
# 9 – Gengar
Gengar already does well as a Ghost-type attacker. While some Legendary Pokémon may outperform this poisonous ghost, getting a Mega Evolution should set Gengar apart from the rest. Its poison attacks work well against Fairy and Grass-type Pokémon, but its ghostly power is where it will really shine. To sell it even more, you can finally see how cool a shiny Gengar can look!
# 8 – Charizard
Charizard faces fierce competition with Mega Blaziken as a Fire-type attacker. Everyone has the Blast Burn Community Day, and a nice shine to their name. Blaziken can perform well as a fighting type striker, while Charizard can pull a bit of weight with his flying type. In the end, Charizard makes this list because she has two Mega evolutions and a Shadow form available. Mega Charizard Y (3rd picture) retains Fire / Flying cover, while Mega Chaizard X (2nd picture) replaces Flying with Dragon for some versatility. Finally, Charizard can be the Dragon he always seemed to be! Either way, Mega Houndoom and Camerupt might have a hard time maintaining heat compared to these fire starters.
# 7 - Storage
Gardevoir can be outclassed by other psychic type attackers despite a day shift of the psychic community; However, Mega Gardevoir is fast becoming the best fairy type in Pokemon Go. The only competition would be Mega Mawile, Altaria, and Audino, but Gardevoir's head will likely only be in question when Mega Diancie comes out with Pokemon from the games of generation 6. At the moment, Mega Gardevoir will be the best option to defeat the dragons, in addition to the cool and shiny shadow forms available.
# 6 – Tyranitar
With a Community Day under his belt, Tyranitar has brilliant form and Shadow available, performs well as a Rock-type attacker, and holds up as a Dark-type attacker. This Pokémon will truly dominate its enemies with a Mega Evolution. Its only competition comes from Mega Aggron and Aerodactyle, who could end up being bigger or more damaging Rock-type attackers, respectively. Mega Gyrados, Absol, Sharpedo, and Sableye are the other dark types, who may see some use, but Mega Tyranitar is guaranteed to get to work.
# 5 - Metagross
This Pokémon dominates the type of steel. Its Meteor Mash community day move pushes it above its competition and Mega Metagross will be even better. Mega Scissor deserves to be mentioned as a powerful Steel or Bug-type attacker, but there's no doubt that Metagross is becoming a powerhouse. Mega Steelix and Mawile are unlikely to be able to catch up with this already beastly steel-type Pokémon. Not to mention, Metagross has Shiny and Shadow shapes available!
# 4 - Groudon
This land-type monster already plays at the highest level in raid battles, and getting a mega evolution will make Groudon unchallenged in the land-type. Mega Garchomp could also be used in the Ground Type arena, along with Mega Swampert, Steelix, and Camerupt; However, it's hard to see a Mega Legendary Pokemon outdo itself. Not to mention if you're lucky enough to have a Shiny Groudon, you'll be happy to hear him get even better when he Mega Evolve!
# 3 - Kyogre
Kyogre is Groudon's counterpart and lines up to be the best water type in the game. Kyogre has a brilliant Mega form just as cool as Groudon, and will only face competition from Mega Water types like Gyrados, Swampert, Blastoise and Sharpedo. It's worth noting that Mega Kyogre and Groudon are technically not Mega Pokemon, but rather evolve in the same way using their Primal form. It's unclear at this time if this will make a difference in Pokemon Go.
# 2 - Rayquaza
It's no secret that Dragon-type Pokémon look awesome and are incredibly powerful. So it's no surprise that they only get even stronger in their Mega forms. Mega Rayquaza has proven to be too powerful even for the highest levels of competitive Pokemon combat, and it will likely work just as well in Pokemon Go as a Dragon or Flying type attacker. The distinction must be given to the finalist Dragons: Garchomp, Salamence, Latios, Latias, Ampharos, Alteria and Sceptile. All of these Mega Dragons have their shiny shapes available, and they'll all be great for Mega Evolve (though not as impressive as Rayquaza).
# 1 - Mewtwo
Mewtwo's already phenomenal performance in Pokemon Go only seems to increase with the addition of two possible Mega forms. Mega Mewtwo Y specializes in pure psychic type attacks, while Mega Mewtwo X adds combat type and will likely even outperform Mega Lucario! Either way, Mega Mewtwo will surpass the likes of Mega Alakasam, Latios, Latias, Metagross, and Medicham in terms of raw psychic power. It is not yet known whether Shadow Pokemon will be able to evolve Mega, but if it does, there will be no competition against Mega Shadow Mewtwo.
Honorable mentions:
Ampharos: As an unlikely dragon type, Ampharos could finally put his Dragon Pulse community movement to good use! But I think his real value comes as an electric type where he could be the strongest.
Alakazam: If Mewtwo wasn't so incredibly strong then Alakazam could really shine.
Abomasnow: As an ice-type attacker, Abomasnow could be very useful against dragons. I think he will see more useful than Mega Glalie.
Check out the full list of Mega Pokemon and see which ones you're most excited about!
(Posted to r / TheSilphRoad on Reddit by u / TornadoJ88m on Wednesday June 17, 2020)