Choosing your favorite Pokémon is the time spent by each trainer when playing a game from the Pokémon series. However, some want to know what's best to use in a game, and those who play Pokémon GO want to know who they need to look for in order to become a standout player against other trainers. Here's what we know about the best Ground-type Pokémon in the game.
The best soil type in Pokémon GO
An upright Ground-type Pokémon is weak for Grass, Ice, and Water-type moves. The majority of the Pokémon on this list are hybrids, which makes them a soil type and something else. Many of the Pokémon on this list have a favorite set of moves, which means you might have caught one of them, but they may not be as effective without their best attacks.
Carchacrack is a Dragon and Ground-type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Dragon, Fairy, and Ice-type attacks. He has a Max CP of 3962, Attack of 261, Defense of 193, and Stamina of 239. The ideal move is to know Dragon Tail and Earthquake.
Carchacrack is a great choice and a powerful Pokémon. Its weaknesses are exclusive, and few can have a Pokémon capable of using a Dragon or Fairy-type move to damage it. Ice is a bit easier to find, but not as easy as other choices, like water, fire, or electric attacks. For attacks, you can also have one that uses Outrage and Mudshot, or Dragon Tail and Outrage. Of the three choices, you'll want to avoid the third one as it limits Carchacrok to only using Dragon-type attacks.
You can start by capturing a Griknot, evolving it into Carmache, and eventually transforming it into Carchacrok.
Groudon is a Legendary Ground-type exclusively Pokémon, which makes it weak to Grass, Ice, and Water-type moves. He has a Max CP of 4115, Attack of 270, Defense of 228, and Stamina of 205. The ideal move you want for him is a draw between Dragon Tail and Solar Beam or Dragon Tail and Earthquake.
Groudon is a great choice if you are looking for a solid floor. The choice between having your Gourdon use the solar beam on earthquakes weighs in on the fact that the solar beam is an excellent grass type movement. You can turn Groudon into a solid grass attacker, especially given his massive attack stats. His higher defense stats make him a bit more tanker than Carchacrok, but you need to find a good position for Groudon on your roster.
Because Groudon is a legendary Pokémon, you won't have as much of a chance to attempt to capture it. You'll have to wait for an exclusive event to happen, so if you're looking for this Pokémon, keep an eye out for events in Niantic for Pokémon GO.
Mammochon is an Ice and Ground-type Pokémon, making it weak Fighting, Fire, Grass, Steel, and Water-type moves. He has a Max CP of 3328, Attack of 247, Defense of 146, and Stamina of 242. The ideal moveset is to get him to know Mud Slap and Avalanche, but you can also make yours known as Powder Snow and Avalanche, or Mud Slap and Bulldoze.
Mammochon is a bulky Pokémon GO attacker. Unfortunately, he doesn't lack defense, so if you were to use that option, you'd want to make sure you have other durable fighters in your roster to help him out. You'll have to find the perfect Pokemon to take on it, but if you do, you'll be able to fend them off like they're nothing.
Unlike the other two, Mammochon has more types of weaknesses. If you can prepare for these weaknesses and plan for them, you can deal incredible damage to him.
You can capture a Marcacrin and transform it into a Cochignon so that it later becomes a Mammochon. You need a Sinnoh Stone for Cochignon to transform it into a Mammochon.
Rhino is a Rock and Ground-type Pokémon, which makes it weak to Combat, Grass, Ground, Ice, Steel, and Water moves. It has a Max CP of 3733, Attack of 241, Defense of 190, and Stamina of 251. This is an ideal shift switch between Mud Slap and Earthquake or Smack Down and Earthquake, depending on how you feel. want to use Rhinastoc.
Much like Mammochon, Rhinastoc comes with an array of additional weaknesses, making it easier for trainers and other opponents to do their job. However, the Pokémon's robust defense makes it a remarkable option that allows it to deal as much damage as it takes. If you can plan to place Rhino as a defensive option for Gyms or take on Electric, Poison, or Flying-type Pokémon, you can look at this reliable option to take down your opponents.
You must first acquire Rhinocorne, then transform it into Rhinoferos. After that, you will need a Sinnoh Stone before you can evolve Rhinoferos into Rhinastoc.
Minotaupe is a Steel and Ground-type Pokémon, which makes it weak for Fighting, Fire, Ground, and Water-type moves. He has a max CP of 3244, Attack of 255, Defense of 129, and Stamina of 242. You will find that his ideal moveset is a mix of Metal Claw and Drill Run, Mud Slap and Drill Run or Mud Slap and Shake. Earth. For more varied movement, you'll probably want to stick with Metal Claw and Drill Run.
If you're looking to add an attacker to your party and need a ground type, Minotaupe is a great option. The biggest problem is his defense. If she compares herself to a durable striker with decent defense, she may not be able to reduce her opponent. But if you can properly navigate when to bring out Minotaupe against the right opponent and counter their overall type, you should have a good time to win the day.