You are passionate about TV series but between new seasons, episodes and new products every single day, you don't know what to do for keep up with everything: rest assured, we at Tech Princess have the perfect solution for you and it's called TV Time.
This is a simple smartphone app, available for both Android and iOS. It does not take up space but it will save your life. Let's find out what it is and how it works.
TV Time, the solution for TV series fans
TV Time is a platform for monitoring for tv series, and recently also movies, available on iOS, Android and even the Web, available in multiple languages. This app allows all fans of TV series and movies to keep track of what they are watching, add products they plan to watch to their list, and more.
Using the app is very simple and offers you numerous features. First of all it is free, so you don't have to worry about paying or anything, anyone can use it. Once you have registered with your email or mobile number, you are on the home screen.
This screen is divided into two pages: your Watch List, automatically divided into three categories and section Upcoming. In the first you will find the following categories:
- Look again: indicates the TV series, or TV series, that you are currently seeing. Series cover and color bar is available. If it is yellow, it means that you still have episodes to watch, if it is green you have finished them.
- Haven't looked at yourself in a while: this section tells you about the TV series that you have started watching but have not been keeping an eye on for some time. For example, in mine we find “The Vampire Diaries”, a TV series that I started watching in September last year but that I have been on hiatus for about two months.
- Not initiated: here you will find all those TV series to which you have put the follow but you haven't started yet. It can be considered as one waiting list, in which you add all those series that you intend to see and that you do not want to forget.
In the Upcoming section instead we find a sort of calendar with daily outputs of all the TV series we are following, both those already started and those waiting. In addition, TV Time also tells us which one platform streaming o channels the episode will be broadcast.
For example, my section warns me that the seventh episode of the second season of The Alienist will be available on Monday on the TNT platform and that, in about 60 days The Walking Dead season finale (season 10) will be available.
Once you have chosen the TV series to watch, they are here too two sections. In the first you will find plot, actors, products similar to this one you have chosen, when and where it will be broadcast. In the second, the episodes: every time you have finished watching an episode, just click on the white tick top right.
When this turns green it means that the episode has been seen. This particular then gives you access to some particular features.
Community, comments and reactions
One of the main features of TV Time is the ability to to comment e to communicate with other people a particular episode. If you click on an episode you have already seen, you can perform various actions including letting others know how did you feel during the episode, who was yours favourite character e where you have seen the episode.
Also, scrolling down, you will find the comments section where users can say their opinion about the episode, post images, gifs and communicate with others. Personally I find it a very interesting aspect because it allows us to get to know people who have the same passion as us.
Especially when it comes to Asian TV series, at least for me. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one watching them, then I go to the comments section of an episode and find I'm not alone: believe me, it's a unique feeling.
If you try to click the comment section of an episode that you haven't seen yet, however, a message will appear: “Spoiler ahead! You haven't seen the episode yet. Are you sure you want to read the comments? "
This is an interesting element, because it allows us to stay away from spoiler. Once the message appears, we can decide whether to view them anyway or exit.
Among the various activities, we find the Customization of our profile. We can choose our nickname, set a profile picture and also a cover image that we can find in the library of the TV series we follow.
A funny aspect is the presence of a timer, right under our nickname. It shows us how long of our life we switched to watching tv series and how many episodes we have seen in total. I don't know if the time and the episodes in question also calculate the TV series seen for more than once.
My timer? Well friends, I can say that I have reached more than 12 thousand episodes seen. In case the timer doesn't calculate rewatches, though, for sure there are many more. For real. I have a problem, I am able to watch the same TV series more than ten times.
In fact, TV Time also offers us the possibility of returning to a TV series and writing how many times have we seen it. We can also set a maximum of 6 favorite TV series: in this way, those who visit our profile can see what our favorite products are.
Notifications, badges and film section
The app sends us daily notifications, reminding us which TV series are about to start over. Among the many notifications we can also win e to unlock some badge, which we can also share on other social networks or highlight on our profile.
Among the various badges we find that of Quick Watcher: it indicates that we have seen more than three episodes in a row of a given TV series in less than 24 o 48 hours, depending on the length of each episode and when they were released.
For a few months now, TV Time has also added the film section. This works in the same way as the TV series section: you can choose your favorite films and highlight them on your profile, you have a timer that tells you how much time you have spent watching movies and how many you have seen.
You can also comment, have your say about the film, choose your favorite character and see if it is the same as the other users. Besides, you can let other users know how much did you like the movie with section 5 stars: Was it bad, okay, good, great or wow?
TV Time is the perfect app for all TV series lovers who are looking for a platform to help them keep an eye on everything they are watching. From now on you can always stay at keep up with the latest releases. But if you want to have it available a few more options, below are other apps to track TV series.
- SeriesGuide, available on Android;
- iShows TV, available on iOS;
- Two, available for iOS.

TagsSerie TV track TV Time Too many TV series to watch, how to keep up? Don't worry, TV Time will take care of it