TIM confirms its role as leader of the Italian mobile telephony market conquered it Speedtest Awards di Ookla. The world leader in the measurement and analysis of fixed and mobile networks, in fact, has awarded TIM the recognition for the better coverage mobile network in Italy during the first half of 2021. It should also be noted that TIM's 5G network also won the title of fastest network in Italy in the second quarter of the year, obtaining a further Speedtest Awards from Ookla.
TIM vince lo Speedtest Awards di Ookla
Great success for the TIM network. In fact, the operator's network obtained the first place among national operators for the mobile network with the best coverage. For TIM there is, therefore, the conquest of the prize ‘Best Mobile Coverage Award’. The recognition certifies the excellent work done by TIM in recent months to extend its mobile network to the whole country.
5G was also awarded
La TIM's 5G network was awarded by Ookla for her excellent performances. The new generation mobile network, in fact, has obtained one median download speed of 282,94 Mbps. The data found in the survey is 58,3% higher than the second classified.
The surveys refer to the second quarter of 2021, a period in which TIM's 5G proved to be clearly superior to the competition. The results obtained confirm TIM's commitment to the digitization of the country also through the development of the 5G mobile ultrabroadband network.
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- Pizzuti, Marco (Author)