During 'E3 2018 an unexpected announcement shook the crowd of gamers: the latter concerned the release of The fantastic adventures of Captain Spirit, signed free-to-play graphic adventure Dontnod Entertainment and directly connected to Life is Strange 2.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, una trama degna di Dontnod
Within its two hour duration, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, officially released on June 25, presents a completely new story, a story that has nothing to envy to the acclaimed Life is Strange.
Adventure is all about Chris eriksen, a ten-year-old boy forced to grow up too fast due to his family situation. His mother, with whom he had an extremely intense relationship, died, and he suddenly found himself alone with a father who, to deal with the pain, threw himself into alcohol.
The human mind, especially that of children, is fortunately full of powers: to face the difficult life in which he finds himself stuck Chris uses comics, drawings and superheroes. This allows him to enter another world where he becomes Captain Spirit, strong hero surrounded by a team of good helpers, always ready to fight evil.
A little superhero
The adventure is based on the figure of the aforementioned Captain Spirit, a role Chris takes very seriously. In order to save the world from the evil Mantroid, however, the captain must first complete a series of very important tasks, which end up representing the list of things to do on the snowy Saturday morning of the Christmas holidays in which the prologue is set.
Despite the short duration of the latter and its apparently non-innovative basis, the heart of the title is, as already demonstrated by Dontnod in the past, the emotions.
In fact, it becomes impossible not to immediately become attached to the young Chris, forced to grow up too fast for his age. The fantastic adventures of Captain Spirit it is proposed from the beginning as a real attempt to save the world, but it is not that of everyday life: it is that of the child's childhood, which risks being lost without even having been able to taste it.
Taking up the past but introducing the future
The fantastic adventures of Captain Spirit has the difficult task of introducing the next Life is Strange 2, following the adventures of the young Max Caufield in Arcadia Bay.
Precisely for this reason the small and simple tasks to be carried out in the prologue seem to have been created on purpose to settle in and get back into the mood Life is Strange, both as mechanics and as graphics. The first, however, in this small preview are different from the past: the adventure of Captain Spirit in fact, it seems to shift the balance more on exploration, aimed at finding useful objects for the superhero's missions, rather than on dialogues and choices.
Particular - and worrying, in some ways - is the lack of the now known "butterfly effects". The absolute lack of choices present in the prologue, both in terms of dialogues and actions, prevents it from generating effects with possible repercussions on the future.
Furthermore, Chris is the link between the superhero's little adventure and the next chapter of the LiS series. The prologue also has the task of introducing the two characters, that is the child and his father, who will also return in Life is Strange 2.
TagsDONTNOD Dontnod Entertainment Le fantastiche avventure di Captain Spirit Square Enix The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit The Fantastic Adventures of Captain Spirit: Prepare for Life is Strange 2