Announced during this year's E3, the expansion Moons of Elsweyr of the trading card game The Elder Scrolls Legends is finally available. After tasting the new features introduced by the latest Alliance War expansion, our curiosity about this new DLC has grown more and more.
Bethesda has managed so far to maintain a high interest in The Elder Scrolls Legends thanks, above all, to the innovations introduced over time and the continuous free updates. Will she have managed to meet our expectations again this time?
Moons of Elsweyr
Dopo The Elder Scrolls Online, Moons of Elsweyr brings the world of Khajiiti also in this video game. The homeland of the cat-men of Tamriel is in turmoil. The imperial forces, led by Euraxia Tharn, have occupied Rimmen, the region's capital, and begin to spread throughout Elsweyr. Things get even more complicated when the ancient dragons they unleash on this earth with their own plan of destruction.
[New cards and effects
Each new catastrophic event spills over to the new cards that have been introduced in this expansion. 75 card, to be precise, they include Khajiit warriors, dangerous dragons and the inevitable necromancers that invaded Elsweyr. One of the novelties affecting some of these cards is the new mechanics introduced: Growth and decline. The Khajiit are strongly related to twin moons that orbit around Tamriel and consequently, their phases play a fundamental role. Cards with this power, in fact, have not one but two abilities which will activate depending on the moon phase, increasing or decreasing. This will change at the end of each round which makes timing and strategy of the player very important.
I Necromancy, eager to wreak havoc on Elswyr, they employ mechanics instead Consume which has as its objective the cards in the graveyard to exploit them and transform them from "corpses" to key elements for victory. In addition to the new cards and mechanics, Moons of Elsweyr also introduces a new game table in the perfect exotic Khajiit style. There is also no shortage new music tracks and new themed decks already built, available for purchase in the in-game store.
[The Elsweyr Desert?
The new features introduced by the expansion unfortunately end there and are nowhere near the price of the expansion. The Elder Scrolls Legends: Moons of Elsweyr has a cost of 49,99 € and gives the right to 50 packages of cards, a legendary card, exclusive title "Bearer of the Wrath Stele" and Stele of Wrath card back. The number of new features seemed to us quite far from the one introduced in the previous expansion. Given the exciting events that are affecting Elsweyr, we would have liked to embark on a new story in episodes starring the Khajiit. Maybe a new story compared to The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr or a parallel storyline or, again, an adventure that would have given us more information about this fascinating land.
Of the Elder Scrolls Legends expansions, Moons of Elsweyr is definitely not the most successful. The main addition concerns the 75 cards which, although they are well characterized and with interesting mechanics, fail to give a great value to this expansion. It is true, however, that, along with the DLC, a balance update has also been released to make the game more enjoyable and balanced.
The interest of Bethesda e Say Wolf Digital towards The Elder Scrolls Legends is still alive even if, this time, they could have done something more.
The Elder Scrolls Legends: Lune di Elsweyr
- 75 interesting new cards
- Innovative new mechanics ...
- ... but fail to make major changes to the gameplay
- Also this time there is no dedicated story
- Few news for the asking price