If you wonder why the iPhone camera is still the most used camera in the world year after year, now Google has put the icing on the cake and done so using a photo from 2011.
She tells us that The Modern Met, Hannah Huxford was visiting the seaside town of Bridlington, England, and her husband had bought a bag of potato chips. As they ate them, they realized that a seagull was hovering above them.
“I started taking pictures of the seagull [with my iPhone 3] as my husband threw potatoes at him,” Huxford tells My Modern Met. Of all the photos he took, there was one from the precise moment before the seagull devoured a potato.
The image went viral shortly after Huxford posted it and was even posted on the BBC. On March 22, 2021, Huxford reposted the image on his Instagram and soon received a mysterious message.
"I got a private message from a woman who was part of a creative company, but it came from a private account, so I ignored it."

However, the woman found her through one of her blogs, where her email appeared. Once in contact, he told her that the company wanted to use the image for an advertising campaign. After signing "a series of nondisclosure agreements," Huxford began seeing his photographs in Google advertising campaigns in England and Ireland.
The image will also be used on the Internet for 12 months.
A photo taken with an iPhone 3!