What are the best home workout apps? In the application stores you will find hundreds of solutions that promise to get you back in shape and give you marble abs in just a few training sessions. But few live up to expectations. Precisely for this reason we have tested different applications for training at home, free and for a fee, and we have created a list of the 7 best apps for fitness at home. In this way we hope to help you choosing the right one is for you easily. Let's analyze the results immediately.
- How to choose the best home workout app?
- The 7 best home workout apps
- Nike Training Club – Gratis
- JeFit - Free with advertising or paid
- Keep, your personal trainer - Free
- SWEAT, the fitness app for women - Subscription (free trial)
- 30 Day Fitness Challenge - Free
- Yoga, Down Dog - Subscription (free trial)
- Crossfit Games – Gratis
- Bottom line: which home workout app to choose?
How to choose the best home workout app?
There are a few things to keep in mind before choosing the right application to get back or keep fit. The first data to consider is: how much am i willing to spend?
Some applications for training at home are free, others ask for an initial payment for the application, many require a subscription of some kind. However, almost all offer at least one first phase of free trial or a free limited version. The advice therefore is to try before paying the subscription.
The second decision to make is: do you want to dedicate yourself to some particular discipline or do you prefer a mix? In this article we thought to introduce you above all complete training apps with multiple disciplines, while reserving some places for app for it yoga e crossfit app. If you are not an expert and do not know what to choose, the advice, even in this case, is to test: there is nothing wrong with trying yoga, even if you later discover that you don't like it.
After having considered and clarified these two aspects, you are one step away from choosing the most suitable fitness app for you among those proposed.
The 7 best home workout apps
So let's move on to the review of the best applications for training at home. Some of them can be linked to Google Fit, Samsung Health or to one of the many health applications for your smartphone or your smartwatch. These apps monitor steps, beats, etc ... while the fitness ones we will talk about shortly act as "digital coach". By associating the monitoring apps with those for training, you can add your workouts to the calculation of calories burned and minutes of daily sports activity. It is not mandatory to have health apps to use any of the apps listed, but having them might be one extra convenience.
But stop the chatter and let's start by talking about the complete training apps, which can guide you in various types of exercises and motivate you to work hard and sweat.
The best free home workout app: Nike Training Club
If we were to give advice "with eyes closed", we would probably choose Nike Training Club. The application of the American sports brand offers a great service and does not ask even a penny in return. In the app you will find many scheduled workouts. You can choose various levels of intensity and difficulty (from absolute beginner to veteran of the gym), you can choose bodyweight workouts or with various types of tools. Also you can select a multi-week program to follow, with very varied workouts that you can adapt according to your needs (goals, time available, etc.).
In NTC, all movements are shown by videos that are activated automatically, with the voice of the app guiding and motivating you. If you've never done yoga, the voice is your guide explains how to "scale" the exercise to avoid overexertion. If you are not used to push-ups, the same explains to you what position you must have.
in 185 workout dell’app (which are regularly updated) found everything from high intensity workouts to stretching. We have also found them very useful workouts to warm up before running and those to melt later. Nike's fitness app is well laid out and simple to use. A truly complete and totally free service, which we recommend you try.
- Workouts divided into zones: body and abs, arms and shoulders, legs and buttocks.
- Various disciplines: HIIT, yoga, boxing and exercises for mobility, strength, endurance.
- Workouts from 5 to 45 minutes.
- Various skill levels and various training intensities.
- Workout with tools or free body.
- Timed or repetition exercises.
- All free.

JeFit: the app with over 1.300 exercises for training at home or in the gym
If you are looking for great variety in exercises and many tools to plan your workouts, JeFit is a fitness app you must try. The application convinced over 7 millions of users around the world, who use it for both home and home training plan your sessions at the gym.
You can choose routes for beginners and let the app guide you in programming the training plan. In fact, JeFit submits you a short test when first opening the application, to determine your goals and propose a winning routine. But the service shines especially for more experienced users, who can customize workouts and use all the tools included. Do not worry that these are too complicated exercises: they are all explained with video in HD.
JeFit has a free version, which allows you to organize your week of effort using basic exercises (and watching a few advertising), and the payment. With paid options (6,99 dollars a month o 39,99 dollars a year) remove advertising and take advantage of advanced analytics and tools.
- Over 1.300 exercises.
- Great both at home and in the gym.
- Programming in the details of the training plan.
- Free version with advertising or monthly / yearly payment plans.

Keep, your home trainer (and free)
Another app to train at home for free with many exercises explained in a simple and clear way. In the database of Keep there are over 400 exercises, with more than 100 workouts for each level. All the exercises are shown with intuitive videos, moreover the voice guides you in the movements and motivates you to keep a good rhythm in the execution of the exercises.
Keep's home trainer workouts focus primarily on exercises HIIT e Tabata, allowing you to burn as many calories in the shortest time possible. The possibility of choosing workouts based on the muscle area, the tools available and the intensity helps to build a truly personalized program.
- Over 400 exercises, shown with videos and detailed explanations
- Over 100 workouts designed by experts
- The videos show the movements to be performed well
- Possibility to organize a balanced weekly workout
- Workout for all levels, to be chosen on the basis of tools, muscle areas, etc.
- Free.

SWEAT: the fitness app designed for women
This app has built in a few time large community of women who train together, taking advantage of the workouts prepared by world-famous trainers Kayla Itsines, Kelsey Wells, Stephanie Sanzo, Chontel Duncan e Sjana Elise Earp. The workouts are specific and really well structured, with a variety that rivals any other application on the market. There are programs designed for the postpartum and for the powerbuilding, yoga sequences and very high intensity workouts. The quality is truly impressive.
You can try the first 7 days of the service for free, to then pay a monthly or annual subscription (it can vary according to the offers but on average it is around around 10 euros per month). It is the highest price in this ranking but it seems commensurate with the quality of the service: in addition to the videos of the exercises and the original workouts you will find many other functions.
- 28-minute workouts, free body or with tools, designed by experts.
- Step by step instructions.
- Exercises also for the gym and special workouts for women.
- Ideas for recipes and healthy menus.
- Weight and motivation monitoring.
- Over 300 pages of insights
- 7-day trial, then subscription.

30 Day Fitness Challenge, an app to stay motivated
This application does not claim to have the completeness of those we have mentioned so far. No videos of hundreds of exercises, no flexible tools to organize your workouts. But this app helps in the most important thing: train consistently. This home workout app offers some workouts other than follow every day, for 30 days. With increasing intensity, he invites them to take the mat out of the closet to do sit-ups and other exercises. If your main problem is "craving", it can be a great incentive, guiding you in your workouts. Just don't think that a month is enough to be in shape for life: this app trains not only the abs but also the constancy.
- Encourages to train every day.
- Specific workouts for the abs or for the whole body.
- Ability to challenge friends and share the records on social networks.
- Simple and well explained workouts.

Best Yoga App: Down Dog
Some applications that we have suggested (such as Nike or SWEAT) present workouts and flow yoga. But none have the completeness of Down Dog. Instead of relying on preloaded video workouts, such as those you can find on YouTube or other applications designed for this practice, Down Dog alternates different exercises for a database of over 60.000 variable files.
But it's not just the vastness: it's the quality. Those who are taking their first steps in this world can follow the three-day course for beginners (which we found accessible and simple). Experts can instead choose between practices Vinyasa, Hatha, Gentle, Restorative, Yin, Ashtanga, Sedia e Saluti al Sole. You can choose between six different yoga teachers, to find the voice that best helps you relax, aided by the music that synchronizes with your breath. You can even download the practices to train even away from the internet. A truly complete service, which you can try for free and then pay for a subscription (usually about 8 euros per month or 50 euros per year, but there are many launch and renewal offers).
- 60.000 different yoga configurations.
- Pratiche Vinyasa, Hatha, Gentle, Restorative, Yin, Ashtanga, Sedia e Saluti al Sole.
- Six different voices in six different languages.
- 20 different areas to explore to improve.
- Music to relax.
- Excellent for back.
- Free trial, then subscription.

Crossfit Games: the official app (which isn't just for experts)
We close with a very divisive discipline among sportsmen. Crossfit is either adored or hated. But it doesn't have to be this way: it's a tool like others for be fit and do it while having fun. The free application Crossfit Games presents workouts to compete with crossfitters around the world but if you just want to get in shape, you can use it as a incentive to do full workouts and challenging every day. In fact, you can follow the workouts of the various competitions, scaling them according to your needs.
The only problem is that these exercises usually serve gym equipment: rope, barbell, medicine balls, kettlebell (and lots of other English names).
But don't despair - if you want a simpler approach, check out the official Crossfit workouts page. Find a workout every day, with the version climbing if you are not an expert. You can also set the search to find free body exercises.
Training with the app or with the workouts on the site is not as intuitive and simple as with the alternatives presented above. But if you have time to look for the movements and you have some gym equipment available, before you know it you will start training with gusto. At this point, consider signing up for a "box", where you can train with a coach and companions.

Bottom line: which home workout app to choose?
While it is true that training with personal trainers and playing sports with professional trainers is the ideal option, train at home using your smartphone it's not impossible. These apps all offer a simple but serious approach to "DIY fitness" and allow you to stay fit. We had fun trying them all but you don't have to: choose the one that piqued your interest the most and try it for at least a week. It must be able to entice you to sweat and provide you with easy-to-follow workouts. All these applications, among the many in the stores, do it very well in our opinion.
This closes our roundup of home workout apps. If you want to get in shape (or keep it) with technology, check out our article about it. We will also be adding articles about others in the coming weeks fitness tech apps and tools: subscribe to our newsletter to not miss the best news from the world of technology.
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