Need to sign up for a web service but don't want to provide your primary email or work email? Worried about getting too much spam in your inbox?
One of the most effective remethees to avoid spam is to use a temporary email during registration.
With this method you can still subscribe to the service, receive the confirmation email (almost all sites require it) and then forget about spam!
The temporary email will be deleted after a certain amount of time, it will "self-destruct".
In this article I will show you all of them the best temporary email services, also known as "thesposable email", available for free and can be used immediately to subscribe to the services you fear may fill your inbox with spam.
NOTE: some services block the use of temporary emails to register. In this case all that remains is to try them all with various domains (if possible) until you find the temporary email that is accepted by the system.
Temporary Email
1. Temp-Mail
Excellent service, perhaps the best known and most comfortable to use. Just open the main page and we will have an address ready to use.
If the proposed domain does not go well, we can always change it by clicking on "Refresh". To choose specific domains, we will have to upgrade to the Premium version but it is not absolutely necessary.
Temp-mail is also available in the form of an App for iPhone and Android and it is even possible to get an email address on the fly via Telegram, as explained in the article on the best bots.
2. (ex
The first temporary email service I recommend you try is
With this service you can get a temporary mailbox by choosing the alias, the mailbox domain and clicking on "Login", so you can always have a thesposable email at hand.
Good compatibility, you can use it on most sites that ask for registration.
3. Guerrillamail
When the going gets tough with spam, warriors take to the field!
Guerrillamail is without a doubt one of the best temporary email services.
It allows you to create an account quickly, plus it offers pseudonymous addresses with which to bypass the "temporary anti-email" checks.
The email is ready as soon as you open the site, if you need another address before it expires, click on Forget me.
LINK | Guerrillamail

4. 10 Minute Mail
I don't think we need introductions: 10 minute mail it is among the most used services to create a temporary mailbox.
The peculiarity is that after 10 minutes the email obtained is deleted, but you can extend the time by clicking on the appropriate button with the "recycle" symbol.
Every 10 minutes you can get a new email, which makes it ideal for registering on numerous sites without leaving a trace.
LINK | 10 minute mail

5. Mailstop
Are you looking for a quick and immetheate temporary email? Mailstop is for you. As soon as you open the site you will get an e-mail address lasting 30 minutes, which is useful for registering with the site and confirming your identity.
The service also shows the time and date of the "destruction" of the mailbox.
No clicks and no registration are required: as soon as you open the site your temporary email is ready for use.
LINK | Mailstop
6. MyTempEmail
Do you want a personalized temporary mailbox? You can use the service offered by MyTempEmail.
Once the site is open, you can quickly create a temporary email by clicking on Random Temp Email or customize your alias and domain by clicking on Custom Temp Email.
A really good way to get past service checks that prevent the use of temporary emails.
LINK | MyTempEmail
7. YopMail
YopMail is a good temporary email service that can create a thesposable address immediately usable, without registration and without password.
Messages are kept for 8 days, plus you can customize your mailbox or get an alternate address to pass the temporary anti-email checks.
Creating an address is simple: press the button E-Mail Generator to get a temporary address right away.
LINK | YopMail

8 20minutemail
20minutemail stands as an alternative to the more famous 10 Minute Mail service, offering a temporary mailbox lasting 20 minutes.
If the previous services thed not satisfy you or were blocked, you can use this to keep spam away.
As soon as you open the site, the temporary email address will be visible, just press the button Create mail to start using it.
LINK | 20minutemail
9. MyTrashMail
MyTrashMail is a temporary email service with various domains active and changed continuously, in order to “escape” the control systems.
In the home page you can check the domains that can be used for temporary emails, so that you immediately know if a new mailbox is available to use for registrations.
To obtain the temporary address just fill in the fields in Temporary Email Private Accounts with an alias, a username and a password, then click on the button Get Secure Email.
LINK | MyTrashMail
10 Mailinator
The last temporary email service I recommend you try is Mailinator, a real mailbox to be dethecated exclusively to spam!
Just choose an Alias to immediately get your mailbox to be used exclusively for registrations to services that (most likely) you will only use once.

To use it click on the top Signup and provide an alias for the temporary email and a password, then click Sign Up.
LINK | Mailinator
Airmail - NB not working
Another good temporary email service is Airmail.
Just click on the item Activate Temporary Email to get a temporary email to receive and send emails.
Using Airmail you can leave spam out of your official mailboxes, thus making your PC safer (less spam, less scams, less malware!).
- Teleosaurs (username can be chosen, duration 1 hour)
- Fakemailgenerator (username can be chosen, duration 24 hours)
- Emkei (you can choose username, allows you to send emails)
- Mailnesia (you can choose username, automatically opens email and click on activation link)
- Filzmail (username can be chosen, duration 24 hours)
- Trashmail (username can be chosen, email duration from 1 hour to 1 month, authentication via real email required, emails can be forwarded)
- Maildrop (username can be chosen)
- Mintemail (username created randomly, duration 3 hours)
- Throwawaymail (username created randomly, duration until the site is closed)
- Mailcatch (you can choose username, up to a maximum of 1 week, plugin for firefox, email forwartheng)
- Hidemyass - decommissioned! no longer available - You can choose username, account with password, duration 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month, 5 months or 1 year, possibility of receiving email notification on your email address
- Tempemail - thescontinued! no longer available - You can choose your username, duration 14 days
- Jetable (username created randomly, email duration 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or 1 month, authentication via real email required, emails can be forwarded)
Instant Email Address (InstAddr) is a free application available for Android and iOS with which you can generate temporary mailboxes using the Japanese service Excellent alternative to the previously mentioned services accessible from browsers.
Temporary email: the best services