Messaging platform Telegram became the third major developer to file an antitrust lawsuit against Apple in the European Union, complaining about Apple's control and fees on the App Store.
Filed Thursday (July 30), Telegram's lawsuit focuses primarily on the fees and rules Apple implements in the App Store. Specifically, he cites Telegram's attempt to open a gaming platform in 2016, which Apple banned, claiming it violated App Store rules.
Telegram says that due to Apple's rejection, the entire company "ran the risk of disappearing from the App Store." It is unclear why he thinks it could have happened, since there are no public documents to support that claim - and Apple's behavior in other cases of denial of applications has not led to the cancellation of applications from the same company. were in accordance with the terms.
The complaint, obtained with the Financial Times, Telegram also argues that this refusal is a clear example of Apple's power in the market, and its ability to «stop innovation thanks to its» monopoly power «over the app market».
Telegram's lawsuit comes after an open letter was published on July 27. In the letter, Telegram lashed out against the App Store commissions, and cited "7 myths" about it, which are used - in his opinion - to defend the commissions.
This Telegram action in the European Commission joins that of Spotify and Rakuten, on similar topics.