The so-called Tycoon have been part of the videogame scenario for a very long time. Thanks to the potential of this genre, players from all over the world have been able to take on the role of virtual managers to organize and build amusement parks, zoos, schools and much more. In recent years, however, Tycoons have focused on smaller areas full of minute details such as the life of a YouTuber, the organization of a video game software house or a startup. Tech Corp. is positioned among the latter, giving us the opportunity to create a real tech company.
Let's see what the new title created by Mardonpol has to offer.
Tech Corp. and the world of technology companies
Tech Corp. is a video game by simulation which gives us the opportunity to create and develop a company specialized in the technological field. Once you have chosen your company name, you will begin your climb into the tech market from a small office / garage with a handful of employees at your service. The first feature that will present itself to you will be hiring employees, designers, developers, researchers and managers able to "control" the work of another group of employees. Each role has its own specialization, some of which will be unlocked as the game progresses. Employees are characterized by certain skills, such as knowledge and speed, which will determine their salary.
Once you've hired your first team, it's time to invoice! The first work available will concern the development of software for other companies or individuals. The programmers will have to work hard to create the necessary components over a specified period of time and sell the finished product to the client. As the team's skills, company knowledge and money increase, it will be possible to identify with more complex and profitable jobs. More money means more prestige for the company and more specialized personnel who must not, however, be neglected.
Employees will indeed have one tiredness threshold beyond which they will take a short (or not so short) break from work. The rest of the workers risks slowing down the work and making the company lose the possibility of selling a certain product on time. Employees must therefore be kept under control, prevent everyone from taking a break at the same time, give them a break before running out of energy and provide them with all the comforts an office employee could wish for. Part of the proceeds, in fact, must necessarily be invested in furniture and services for employees in order to accelerate their recovery.
Minimal details
The most complex and interesting part comes when your business has the right capabilities for create your own hardware. The possibilities are many: computers, smartphones, headphones and much more. Any component can be customized in every detail, from the internal software, whose quality and power directly depend on the research capacity of your team, to the hardware, which can be customized with a large number of aesthetic variations. More complex hardware components also need the factory of your company introducing a new play area.
The factory will in fact be managed separately from the office and the hardware creation area but needs the same attention as the latter. It will be necessary to order the materials and components suitable for construction and to use increasingly advanced and complex (and expensive) machines.
The hardware design is certainly the most intriguing moment of the game and guarantees many always different combinations. In addition to more important details, there are also very special elements that we did not expect to find in a game of this type. From the choice of the color of the individual elements to the position that the object will assume in the commercials.
Too much technology, little humanity
La product advertising it is in fact another important but not perfectly successful element. It will be important to choose how much time to dedicate to sponsoring a product before putting it on the market and how much budget to use in the different distribution channels. Unfortunately the mechanics are cumbersome, not very intuitive and do not seem to have a concrete impact on the final sales.
The feeling of have little control over the actual development of the company it will not abandon you throughout the game. From the office decorations, however sparse and little characterized, to the employees, who, once hired, do not introduce any kind of variant on the gameplay. We would have liked, for example, to have to manage the happiness of the employees, as well as their stress, the situations on wages, on increases or, why not, on relationships with colleagues. In general the game has a serious lack of humanity by reducing any function to a trivial point and click.
Tech Corp. may have had what it takes to be a powerful new Tycoon but it nowhere near shines. It must be said, however, that the game is still in Early Access, we therefore remain confident to see some more intriguing and incisive gameplay news.
Tech Corp.
- Great customization possibilities
- Interesting mechanics ...
- ... which are not investigated
- Advertising too demanding and not very effective on the gameplay
- Too many elements limited to aesthetics