By default, Windows 10 runs many applications in the background, some of which are unnecessary. But a few clicks are enough to deactivate them.
Like all modern operating systems, Windows 10 knows how to run several programs in parallel: it is the principle of multitasking, which allows you to open and use different software simultaneously.
However, while most are visible - especially those you've started manually - others run much more inconspicuously, in the background or in the background. Some are useful and even essential, especially Windows services which perform multiple functions - and which do not have a user interface. But others are superfluous. Worse, they unnecessarily consume RAM and CPU resources.
This is the case with many applications installed as standard on the PC, partly by Microsoft, partly by the manufacturer of the computer. A few, like Contacts or Calendar, are of some interest, but others, like 3D Builder, News, Skype Preview, Calculator, Maps, or Contact Support don't really need to be running all the time - you just need to keep them running. open when needed! Microsoft runs them by default in the background to allow them to send notifications. A laudable intention, but really dispensable, especially for applications that one never uses! Of course, these applications are not the most demanding in terms of hardware resources. But why let them run unnecessarily while cluttering up the PC? Especially since it is very easy to deactivate them, that is to say to close them - without deleting them.
How to stop software running in the background in Windows 10?
- On your Windows 10 PC, right click on the Start menu, at the bottom left of the taskbar, then, in the menu that appears, click Parameters.

- In the window that opens, click on the heading Privacy Policy, scrolling through the content if everything is not immediately visible.

- The contents of the window change. In the left column, scroll down to see the Permissions for apps section, and then click Background apps.

- The content of the right part of the window changes by displaying the list - quite impressive! - applications running in the background.

- Scroll down and click on switch to the right of each of the applications that you want to deactivate to change its status.
The titles are clear, and you should have no trouble identifying unnecessary apps - especially ones you never use! Most are from Microsoft and are really superfluous. Others come from the manufacturer of your computer - or its partners - and are used, for example, to check the existence of updates of certain utilities. Either way, you don't risk crashing Windows and you can always reactivate an application later if you need to. You are free to try! You will always make Windows and your PC lighter.
Like all modern operating systems, Windows 10 knows how to run several programs in parallel: it is the principle of multitasking, which allows you to open and use different software simultaneously. Nevertheless,...