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You have never heard of Silentium PC? Don't worry, you are not the only one!
We didn't know this brand either until a few weeks ago, before it amazed us with its extremely good products.
After having already published the review of the SilentiumPC Grandis 3 EVO ARGB today we see its younger brother: the Fera 3 EVO ARGB
SilentiumPC Fera 3 EVO ARGB • Air cooler review and test
Just like the Grandis 3 EVO ARGB already reviewed previously, the Fera 3 EVO ARGB it is an air cooler.
Its market price is not high and is proposed as a solution for those who want a small size air cooler, with interesting aesthetics and mid-range performance.
You can find out the cost by clicking on the box below. At the time of writing, you can buy it for just over 35 euros, but the price may vary.
Let's not get lost in useless chatter and see what the specifics of this are Fera 3 EVO ARGB.
SilentiumPC Fera 3 EVO ARGB • Technical specifications

Il Fera 3 EVO ARGB it's a air cooler with a single dissipation fan the size of 120 mm e 4 heatpipes.
La fan is equipped with two connectors: the classics 4 pin PWM and 3 pin ARGB and has an operating speed of RPM 1600 +- 10%.
Il heatsink is 146 mm high and only 78 mm wide, which makes it extremely versatile for installation even in not extremely wide spaces.
SilentiumPC Fera 3 EVO ARGB • Test and temperatures

Now let's find out together what the performance of this Fera 3 EVO ARGB, air cooler with a low and affordable price.
We do not have models in the same price range with which to compare it but we have many points of reference that will still serve to make us create an idea about the product.
It is indeed true that despite the ARGB version has a price of just over 35 euros, as already mentioned above, the standard version costs about 25 euros.
In fact, we must consider the performance of this product as if it costs about 25 € and consider theARGB a feature that increases the cost of about ten euros.

Well we carried out the tests on a Ryzen 3700X at stock frequencies and at an ambient temperature of about 20 degrees.
The results are all in all positive if we remember the cost at which you can buy this heatsink.
In fact, we are approaching the result of a Artic Freezer 50 which costs more than double the standard version of this Fera 3 EVO ARGB.

It is also obviously clear like this heatsink is a bit on the edge with a processor like the Ryzen 3700X and is therefore not suitable for those who use programs that put intensive stress on the CPU.
But it's a great choice for those who don't want to leave hers build with a stock cooler, but he doesn't even have enough budget to afford something more powerful, or he just doesn't need it.
SilentiumPC Fera 3 EVO ARGB • Appearance and assembly

As regards the mounting il Fera 3 EVO ARGB he behaved masterfully, not presenting any hitches during the process.
It is also true that being a small heatsink it would have been sensational to encounter problems of this type, of which fortunately all the products Silentium PC so far reviewed are free.
The appearance of the Fera 3 EVO ARGB it is also very intriguing and clean.
The lighting can obviously be managed via software after connecting to the motherboard using the appropriate PINs.
The build quality is satisfactory and the packaging has an absolutely sendable presentation and like that prepared by the most famous brands.
SilentiumPC Fera 3 EVO ARGB • Conclusions
We were positively impressed with this Fera 3 EVO ARGB and more generally from all products Silentium PC, which represent to all intents and purposes in the "underground" market ofHardware per pc an excellence as well as a surprise.
This Fera 3 EVO ARGB provides balanced performance and refined aesthetics.