When it comes to talking about somewhat controversial topics, you can't help but think about the speech it is about call recording. This topic has become quite popular for mobile phones Android, considering that this is a very open operating system and full of possibilities. For a few years, there has been a boom in programs used to record all incoming telephone calls. There were many Apps, of which a couple have become increasingly equipped for the many Smartphone brands on the market.
Privacy issue
Google wanted to take all necessary steps to guarantee privacy to its users, limiting the use that you can have of the microphone by some specific Apps. This, of course, applies to programs that record telephone calls.
Recording telephone calls is not in itself an illegal act. It is more like a gray point in all these situations in which such a tool may be needed. This is why it is always a good thing notify the other party that the call is being recorded. In some cases it is useful to combat scams, of which there is at least a palpable trace of what was said and done during the call. In general, however, it is always good to pay the right attention to avoid getting into legal trouble.
New Methods and Solutions
Therefore, starting with Android 9, many mobile phones have found themselves with this justified, but nevertheless despised, limitation. To deal with this problem, several systems and solutions have been born, for which we will now go on to talk about a couple - and how it is currently possible to exploit them as it once was.
- Check the official functions of your Smartphone.
Some Smartphone brands currently have a call recording function already present in the system for some time. This is especially true for Chinese-made products, with which it will be possible to find the recording functions itself within the Android settings - under the section relating to calls.
Otherwise, open the App to make calls (the phonebook or whatever you prefer) and check in the settings. It is possible that the function for record calls telephone numbers is present itself on that page.
Finally, note that even if your mobile model is known to have a built-in call recording function, this may still not be available in the European versions. In case it is possible to re-enable it through some modifications, or by using the Root and using a compatible App (which we will talk about shortly).
- Install an App "compatible" with the Android 9 system (onwards)
As already mentioned, some Apps have found themselves in difficulty with these limitations. In some cases it is possible to avoid them by using the Root, but not everyone is willing to modify the mobile phone up to these limits, reducing its security. However, there are programs that are "unlocked" to circumvent the limits of Google, or in this case to take advantage of the innate functions of the mobile phone.
One example is cell phones Huawei. These have suffered the same fate imposed by Google. However, through the Appgallery (which is a separate Market for all products that cannot access the Play Store) it is possible to find programs such as "ACR Unchained". This is a version of one of the most popular call recording programs, which has developed a modified version to counter Google.
The version of ACR Unchained for Huawei is made specifically to take advantage of a function that is disabled in the European versions. This is often highlighted that, in addition to the presence of the word Unchained, these versions also carry the word "Huawei" in addition. It is often possible to download these versions only from the Appgallery.
However, nothing excludes that it can be installed on other products. For example APK Mirror (https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/nll/call-recorder-acr/) keeps both normal versions and Unchained variants stored. Both of these versions are capable of detecting the presence of a Pro license, if you have purchased one regularly from the Play Store.
- Use a dedicated product to record Android calls
Wanting to completely circumvent the problem and reduce the possibility of accusations, it is possible to take advantage of the Bluetooth connection of the Smartphone to make sure to record calls through a dedicated device. One of the best is the Recordgear PR200, which even if it costs 250 euros, allows you to record anything that passes through its Bluetooth communication (and therefore not only Android smartphones, also other products). Although obviously it is necessary to understand if the Smartphone in question has two audio channels to play the call (using both Bluetooth and making the rest of the internal speaker heard).

- Change the default calling app, or use another recording program
At the end of the day, all that is needed is also to change the App that you are usually used to using to record calls. You can do this using some program like Cube ACR (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.catalinagroup.callrecorder) or some Dialer program like Drupe (https://play.google.com /store/apps/details?id=mobi.drupe.app).
These apps all have a different way to do call recording, so some may work without problems.