At first it was almost frustrating to have to wait so long before being able to play an episode: now, however, time should stand still. A few days ago it came out Faith, fourth episode di Life is Strange 2 and that means the end is closer than we could have imagined.
Dontnod's intensity and style are felt more and more as the episodes progress and Faith is probably the most successful so far. Are you curious about what the Diaz brothers will have to face? Let's find out together in this one review!
You missed the review of Wastelands, third episode of Life is Strange? Fear not!
A new perspective
The third episode made us known new characters, some nice and others a little less. Our Sean experienced that strange thing called love and little Daniel was able to train with the power of him, improving tremendously.
From the tragic accident of the plantation they have passed exactly due monthie we find Sean in the hospital, finally awake after spending a period in a coma. Our wolf is seriously injured but he slowly manages to recover and make friends with a nice nurse: unfortunately, however, Daniel is not with him. The youngest wolf disappeared soon after the accident and it is not known what happened to him.
Our job, of course, will be to escape the hospital and find Daniel. But the question is how? Don't worry, play and you will find out.
The ending of the third episode was tragic ed unexpected but also different for each player: depending on your choices, you will have obtained one of the various endings that, at the beginning of the fourth, will guarantee or not the presence of other characters so be careful.
A long and lonely road
Sean will have to go a long way and face several obstacles before finding his little brother. Even then, though, it won't be easy: he'll have to rely on their relationship, reminding Daniel what the word means "family".
Along the way Sean will meet disreputable people who will partially worsen his health and bring him down in every way but also people who, despite bringing a lot of pain to the surface, will be ready to help him and Daniel.
For most of the episode we will be alone we e Sean, to see the little wolf we will have to wait approximately the last hour of play. In Faith we see an older brother more fragile, spaventato and on the verge of collapsing when we least expect it: what will keep it standing will be the memory of his father and the desire to save Daniel, so that we can ensure a better future for him.
But the past is ready to knock on the door of our wolves: how will they react?
What does "faith" mean?
Over the course of Life is Strange 2 they were addressed numerous particular themes, Starting from discrimination to the legalization of drugs and family problems. However, a theme that had not yet been addressed or highlighted is precisely that of faith.
"What does faith mean?"
This is what a character asks during the episode and here, in Life is Strange, it takes on different meanings. During this episode we will get to know a rather particular group of believers who will show Sean what this word means to them, what it contains.
If we dig deeper, though, we'll notice some sort of complaint towards this community. It seems that the producers want to highlight how hypocritical and false these people really are, underlining their carelessness towards the needy.
For Sean, however, faith is something else: in Faith it is finding his brother, making sure he is okay and taking him to safety, in Puerto Lobos, home.
Intense emotions and impact soundtrack
When it comes to thrills, Life is Strange always comes first. This episode shows us suffering, terror e courage and, thanks to a splendid soundtrack (another strong point of this series), it allows us to feel all these emotions in an intense way.
In a way it's like looking in the mirror: we suffer together with Sean, we feel how much he needs to find his brother, to find his family. We feel how bad it hurts to stay away from someone we love, we're scared along with Sean and let's face it, every punch our wolf took, it we felt too.
The deserted representations of Nevada, the drops of sweat running down Sean's forehead, make us feel the warmth of that place and the suffocating weight that the boy takes with him. The protagonist's initial helplessness in the face of obstacles that seem impossible breaks us in two, just like it does with him.
Faith is without a doubt the most successful episode precisely for this reason, because it transmits real emotions and allows us to accompany the protagonists along this long journey. It allows us to feel all of this, becoming one with the game and it doesn't happen often.
Dontnod does not miss a beat and continues to amaze everyone with this intense and wonderful story, erasing the initial doubts that assailed players at the announcement of a new chapter of Life is Strange without Chloe and Max.
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 4: Faith
- Captivating story
- More intense emotions
- Interesting new characters
- Daniel is not very present
- Few choices compared to previous episodes