A little more than three months after the release of Rules, Dontnod Entertainment back to boarding with the third episode di Life is Strange 2: Wastelands.
Let's find out what the Diaz brothers had to face this time.
You read the review of Rules, second episode di Life is Strange 2?
Away from everyone
The second episode put us in front of complicated decisions that in one way or another have managed to cloud our sight. Furthermore, the end was anything but sweet: our wolves were hunted by hunters once again and were forced to say goodbye to their grandparents and little Chris, one of the few positive things in their lives.
They have passed since the sad end of Rules a few months of travel and during that time, Sean and Daniel met familiar faces: Cassidy and Finn, the two hippies they'd already met in Beaver Creek, their grandparents' village.
Obviously our adventure begins at a different time from what we can understand: the two brothers joined their friends and found a safe place in the middle of the Californian forests, where they also found work in a illegal marijuana plantation.
Thanks to Sean's diary, always very precise with his drawings, we can understand how much the two brothers, especially the youngest, are suffering in this situation of perennial travel.
Being the big brother isn't easy
The Life is Strange episodes are drawing one precise line and a very particular crescendo: we started with the death of Daniel and Sean's father and their escape, we met people who wanted to hinder us and new friends that we were forced to leave.
Who has suffered the most is little Daniel, particularly touched by the death of his father, the dog Mushroom and having abandoned his friend Chris. He feels that he has disappointed him in some way, that he has not been able to stay close to him.
As in the beginning, our task as an older brother will be to look after little Daniel and teach him the right. Unfortunately due to all these events this time around it won't be easy fulfill this task because our little wolf will start to lose control more easily, to have fits of anger in which his power will totally take over.
In addition to that, there will be Cassidy's problem: Sean, of course, is a teenager and like any boy he is faced with the pleasures and dilemmas of growing up. He will start spending more time with the girl and her new friends and Daniel will feel more and more sidelined, thus starting to hang out with Finn (a disreputable company in my opinion).
Furthermore, the work on the plantation is not easy: let's remember that Daniel is a child, he is curious and could poke his nose in inappropriate places.
Graphics, music and history - they never disappoint
Again Dontnod does not disappoint: the graphics are always very real and the chosen setting gives that sense of freedom that even our Sean feels strongly.
The music has been selected for some particular moments and is able to make the atmosphere more alive, allowing the player to feel almost in symbiosis with the landscape and characters.
Furthermore, Dontnod made a small addition: if we decide to replay the episode a second time, we can safely skip dialogues as it was possible to do in the first Life is Strange.
Life is Strange 2 continues to grow and with it our brothers: with Wastelands the story presented proceeds forward, clarifying some points and opening others. Allow us to dig deeper into the soul of the characters main ones, helping us to understand their most hidden fears and their desires.
Sean has always and only wanted the best for Daniel but given the situation in which they find themselves, it is difficult to always be able to please his brother. In this episode it is even more evident how complicated it is to be the adult and to make decisions for someone.
Compared to the first two, Wastelands looks like the episode more intense. The situations presented are various and each of them will present us with new characters, unique and particular in their being and each with a story to tell the world.
I will not miss twists, which also in this episode will manage to destabilize the player - or at least me. The ending especially will leave an intense and heartbreaking question mark and only in a few months will we have an answer.
Thanks to Wastelands, Dontnod continues to amaze fans with an intriguing story and characters with a particular and detailed characterization.
Life is Strange 2: Wastelands
- Excellent handwriting and sound
- Intriguing story
- Detailed characters
- Few chances to use Daniel's power