The director Quentin Tarantino he plans to make another movie before retiring from the film scene: in a new interview he talked about his plans for the tenth film, also unveiling some ideas on Kill Bill 3. However, at least for now, it appears that the third chapter of the famous saga it will not be his latest film.
Kill Bill 3 and Tarantino's ideas

In a recent interview, Tarantino said that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood of 2019 was his great "epic film" and that his next film will be more of a "Epilogue" of his career.
“The weight was really on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It's a bit like my great epic. It's my great epic to end my career, ”he explained.
“And I think I made it. I don't know what the next story will be. I'm imagining it will be more of an epilogue. Like [Once Upon a Time in Hollywood] is the big movie and then whatever I end up doing last… It could be more of an epilogue, as a conclusion to my career.
But what will be Tarantino's last actual film? Director does not know yet. He said he has no idea what this movie is going to be about and doesn't even know when he's going to make it. At the moment, Tarantino hopes to write another book, then produce a play and then "we'll see," he said.
The director revealed that he could be persuaded to do another one "Epic movie" as the latest film if it is a third Kill Bill film. He has thought about it and has some ideas.
“The only one I can imagine and which would represent another epic, is Kill Bill 3. I've thought about it, I admit it, ”he said. One of the ideas Tarantino has for Kill Bill Vol. 3 would be that of rvisit the characters 20 years later. He would then like to see Uma Thurman as the Bride again and her daughter, Maya Hawke, as BB
“I think it's just revisiting the characters, 20 years later, imagining the Bride and her daughter BB having 20 years of peace,” he said. “And then that peace is destroyed. The bride and BB are on the run. The idea of being able to call Uma and her daughter Maya would be pretty damn exciting. ”
Finally, Tarantino reiterated that he considered doing a remake of Reservoir Dogs with a new cast as his latest film because he believes that the material is timeless. Tuttavia, decided not to and is now trying to produce one theatrical representation by Reservoir Dogs. He also wants to write a Reservoir Dogs novel and produce a play of Hateful 8.
The first two Kill Bill films are available on Netflix's streaming platform.
READ ALSO: Tarantino had an idea for his latest film

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