Almost 20 years ago there appeared an animated series in which Ash Ketchum, a young palette village coach, began his journey to be the best coach of Pokémons along with his inseparable Pikachu. Since it appeared in Japan in 1996 and so in Spain since 1999, many video games of Pokémon have been created and that in their day caused really furor. Every Nintendo portable platform has had a few Pokémon games and has undoubtedly become a very important franchise for the great Nippon.
What's New in Pokémon GO
To tell the truth, all Pokémon games have been updated in graphics and improving their playability towards a more fluid form but really the bases of the game have not been innovated too much. All this has changed recently with Pokémon GO. We are talking about a game that breaks the foundations of everything we had considered normal and, honestly, could not come at the best time. At a time when virtual reality is booming, Nintendo was approached with the idea of implementing the same thing, free of charge and on mobile devices, devices that you can travel with and leave your home and that we always carry around with us. What is the result? The combination of more mobile virtual reality has created a great success and will undoubtedly change the course of the great Nintendo and many games in general, undoubtedly a great start in the mobile world, after its previous success Miitomo, especially in Japan, and has had much impact on both facebook and twitter. In Pokémon GO, the player will have to decide which name he identifies with and a pokémon to start with, but importantly, in this game you€?ll never have to fight a pokémon to capture it. Some pokémons will be more difficult to capture, others easier; it will depend on whether the circle that surrounds them is red or green but, in short, they have to be searched for, we have to see the world. That's the big news in this delivery. You are not playing at home, you are not in front of a screen; you are in front of an alternative world to the one we see in reality through the screen of our mobile, an augmented reality. There will not always be the same pokémons everywhere, although you have to keep in mind that there are more than 19 different types of pokémons: depending on which habitat we are in we will find one type or another. For example, if we go to the beach, we will find pokémons that are water type. These pokémons appear thanks to an algorithm in which geographical markers are used to determine which type will be in a particular area.
Pokeparadas and gyms in POKEMON GO
Likewise, once we have pokémons, we can have the opportunity to have the power of the gyms. There will be gyms in which we can simply train depending on the color of the team we are: red, blue or yellow. The gyms will be the only places where we will be able to fight with our pokemons. We can evolve them based on some powders but we can also get gifts and things to improve your pokémons based on pokémonedas, the money of the game with which you can buy improvements for your pokémons. To recharge pokeballs that will be spent as you capture pokémons, you can recharge them at certain points in the city, the so-called poképaradas.Global impact of POKÃMON GO
One of the things to keep in mind for this Pokémon GO is that you need to be permanently connected to the Internet if you want to get new pokémons and want to be notified when a pokémon is nearby. In addition, with the short time it has been in the market is already reaching levels such as Candy Crush. Let€?s remember that it€?s not available in all countries and that during the first days Nintendo€?s servers were down because of the large number of people who had access to the application. As of today, it is one of the applications that gets more connection time between users and with more active users daily. It is also a game that is continually being shared screenshots on facebook, twitter and other social networks.