Pokémon Go, Nintendo's official augmented reality pocket monster-catching game, is a worldwide phenomenon. Want to become the best trainer and fight relentlessly? So follow our tips and tricks to easily progress in the game!
Mobile games are often criticized for being just a way to make easy money without ever offering a truly innovative experience. Nintendo is gradually responding to this with in-house productions seeking to truly take advantage of the platform.
He will have started this movement with Miitomo, his social application that allowed you to bond more intimately with your friends. Now it's the turn of one of its biggest licenses to take center stage.
Pokémon Go is now officially released! So it's time to go hunting for Pokémon across the world in augmented reality. But in order not to waste your time or the pedals, follow our advice to get out of it as quickly as possible.
Beginner's Guide to Pokémon Go
Have you just launched the app, chatted with the Professor and are ready to travel around the world? So let's start with the basics to make sure we never get lost in the game.
Move efficiently in the world of Pokémon
In Pokémon Go, there are obviously no controllers: it's up to you to travel the real world to find your monsters! To know in which direction to go, look at the map: in the distance, you will find blue dots and icons showing you the places to visit to earn bonuses or face Pokémon.
Since the last Pokémon Go update, footprints have disappeared. This is due to the fact that these were bugged and were therefore no longer effective. The order of the list still stands, and will be your only asset when hunting Pokémon.
However, a new way to effectively hunt Pokémon has been developed, but has not yet been released. The Radar will display Pokémon closest to nearby Pokéstop, giving you exactly where to head.
Problem being that this update has been in testing for a long time now, but not ready for release. As it stands, you can only count on your luck… and your motivation to cover the miles.
Capture Pokémon
If you see some herbs fluttering nearby, a monster is waiting for you! When a Pokémon appears on your card, all you need to do is click on it to start capturing. You end up with the monster displayed on your screen and a Pokéball at the bottom of it.
When you press and hold the Pokéball, a green crosshair will appear around the Pokémon and change its size. Note that the smaller it is, the more chance you have of capturing the Pokémon. Be careful to feel the rhythm of it before throwing your ball!
Note that this reticle also defines the difficulty of capturing the monster encountered. If this is easily captured, the reticle will be green. Yellow becomes a more complex hair. Orange is starting to get tough. Red is very difficult.
If you have difficulty aiming, be aware that you can also turn off augmented reality via the icon at the top right. No more flickering, the game switches to fixed view with grassy terrain to allow you to aim well.
Reload, evolve and transfer your Pokémon
Once the monsters are in your pocket, you can view them by clicking on the Pokéball at the bottom of the interface. Once a monster has been selected, you have 2 choices: reload the Pokémon, or make it evolve. These choices consume dust and candy.
These 2 commodities are obtained by capturing Pokémon. To evolve a “Mystherbe” for example, you will need to capture several to be able to collect enough Mystherbe candy to increase its characteristics.
If you are not using some of your Pokémon, you can also “transfer” the Pokémon, which are then sent to the Professor in exchange for candy of their type.
Have a Pokémon as a “buddy”
With the latest Pokémon Go update, you can now define a Pokémon as a “buddy” who will walk with you on your adventures. The parallel with Sacha and his faithful Pikachu is of course present in the minds.
However, this feature has a much more than aesthetic utility: traveling for miles with a Pokémon will allow you to earn candy corresponding to it. Depending on which beast you choose, the distance to go will vary. This is generally defined by the rarity of the Pokémon (see below): a Weedweed will require to do 1 km, a Fantominus 3 km and a Minidraco 5 km. 5 km is the maximum possible.
To see your progress before earning a new candy, simply tap on the selected Pokémon in your character screen. If you select an advanced version of your buddy (a Roucarnage for example), the number of kilometers requested will remain the same as for its basic version.
The Pokéstop, to recharge in Pokéball
Throughout your map, and therefore the real world, certain places are symbolized by blue squares: these are Pokéstop, which allow you to gain items on your way. So don't forget to go through these!
At these Pokéstop, you will find bonuses, like stardust, as well as objects like Pokéballs or even sometimes eggs! These will hatch once you have walked the required distance. It's time to walk!
Face the arenas
Of course, who says Pokémon also says combat! You can do it at the bullring, scattered around important places in your city. From level 5, you will be asked to represent a team: blue, red or yellow.
It is in these arenas that you will apply it. Indeed, you will be able to let a Pokémon fight there and make your team gain prestige. And money for you, of course. If the arena is from the same clan as you, you can also compete against it to gain experience. Thanks to the latest update of the game, you can use all your Pokémon to do this and the arena is automatically leveled up.
When you face an arena of an opposing clan, your Pokémon are likely to become Knocked Out on failure. Warning: you will need an item to revive them. Attacking an ally does not cause a KO, but you will still need to heal them. If you leave a Pokémon there, be aware that it will return to your team when defeated.
Pokéball, incense and lure module: the objects of the game
In the game store, you have the possibility to buy lucky eggs (which allow you to win Pokémon randomly), Pokéball to capture Pokémon, incense as well as lures. While you have an egg incubator, you can also purchase temporary ones to hatch multiple eggs at once.
Incense allows you to attract Pokémon to you when you are static. Just throw this item, and an aura will surround you for 30 minutes during which the surrounding monsters will come towards you to be captured.
A decoy module is similar in concept, but different in approach. It has much the same effect, except that it can only be used near an arena and is not only linked to you: the players around you benefit too.
Win trophies
By tapping on your trainer card, you will be able to see a menu appear where you can see the various achievements that you can achieve while playing the game. These include:
- Jogger: travel 10km
- Kanto: have 50 different pokémon in your Pokédex
- Collector: capture 30 pokémon (doubloon included)
- Scientist: evolve 3 pokemon
- Breeder: hatch 10 eggs
- Hiker: open 100 pokéstops
- Female Fighter: Win 10 Arena Battles
- Top Trainer: train 10 pokemon
- Student: capture 10 normal type Pokémon
- Ornithologist: Capture 10 flying type Pokémon
- Rascal: Capture 10 poison type Pokémon
- Scout: Capture 10 bug type Pokémon
- Gardener: Capture 10 plant-type pokemon
- Swimmer: Capture 10 water type pokemon
- etc etc for each type
Note that they are also scalable: when you have covered 10km for example, the trophy changes to “100km” and so on for everyone. They allow you to earn XP points. A “Journal” option also allows you to see your last actions in a long extended list, with the details of the CPs of the Pokémon captured.
Why give importance to these trophies? In the next Pokémon Go update, these will allow you to earn catch bonuses. Thus, if you have the gold medal for having captured many Fire Pokémon, the next Charmander that you come across will fit more easily into his Pokéball.
For dual-type Pokémon, like Roucool which is Normal and Flying, the average of the two achievements you unlocked will be used. It's up to you to strategically capture your Pokémon in order to optimize your progress!
And if you're an addicted gamer, Niantic Labs has got you covered! As you play daily, you can unlock new bonuses in the form of experience and additional stardust. Here they are :
- Catch a Pokemon Every Day : 500 XP and 600 stardust
- Catch a Pokémon every day for 7 days in a row : 2000 XP and 2400 dust
- Activate a Pokéstop every day : 500 XP and some bonus items
- Activate a Pokéstop every day 7 days in a row : 2000 XP and even more bonus items
The Pokémon Go Plus to play without taking out your phone
The Pokémon Go Plus has recently been available on the market, a Bluetooth bracelet that you can connect to your smartphone. Sold for € 39,99, its main interest is no longer having to take out your smartphone to play.
Indeed, the center of the Pokéball allows you to interact with the application without having to take out your phone. When it lights up green, you have passed a Pokémon you have already encountered: pressing it will automatically launch a Pokéball.
If it lights up yellow, you've just encountered a Pokémon that you haven't seen before. Again, pressing the circle will attempt to capture it automatically.
If it lights up blue, you are on a Pokéstop: pressing the button will allow you to automatically collect items from it.
You can wear it as a badge, or just as a bracelet. Nintendo announces a battery life of 100 days, which is not hard to believe given its limited features and its use of Bluetooth LE.
Still, this bracelet somewhat kills the interest of the game, which in this form quickly takes on the appearance of a clicker beast. But if you don't want to miss out on Pokéstop in your town even when you're not playing, it can prove to be an ideal traveling companion.
List of rarities of Pokémon encountered
In Pokémon Go, as in all other games in this series, not all creatures are created equal. And as tradition dictates, you'll be dealing with plenty of Roucool and other Rattata before you can see any Pokémon with any semblance of interest. Here is the list, compiled by the community, created by RotomGuy and translated by us, of the rarity of each creature:
Note that this list is dependent on the zones in which you are. So even though we don't see a few Eevee, that doesn't mean they're not “almost everywhere”: we're just not in the right area.
According to the first observations, there are many Pokémon that are very difficult to catch: those specific to regions. In the absence of exchanges in the game, monsters such as Tauros, Kangourex and Canarticho will be very difficult to find for us of the country. We will have to travel and exchange our Mr. Mime with our comrades from other continents!
List of Pokémon according to eggs
Here is the list of Pokémon that can be contained in eggs, by kilometers required. Note that it seems, according to the latest observations of the players, that these are predetermined. So if you take an egg with a friend in the same Pokéstop, you will have the same final Pokémon. Random is not decided upon hatching, but at the Pokéstop.
The 10km eggs are generally to be reserved for hatching when you reach a high level in the game, since it can be very difficult to find these Pokémon afterwards to make them evolve. These are usually very powerful from the start.
Niantic Labs recently revised the game to encourage more diversity in Pokémon encounters. This update also had the effect of changing Eevee to Egg 5km, and removing Roucool and Rattata from Eggs 2km. The table has been updated.
List of baby Pokémon
Babies | Eggs | Sweets requested | Evolves into |
Pichu | 5km | 25 | Pikachu |
Togepi | 5km | 50 | Togetic |
Melo | 2km | 25 | Melofée |
Magby | 10km | 25 | magmar |
Toudoudou | 2km | 25 | Jigglypuff |
Elekid | 10km | 25 | Elektek |
Lippouti | 10km | 25 | Lippoutou |
With its December 12 update, Pokémon Go finally integrates some second-generation Pokémon with baby Pokémon! Here is the non-exhaustive list of babies currently in the game, as well as the type of eggs in which they are contained and the number of candies required to evolve.
Note that in this list, only Togépi is truly a “new” Pokémon since the others are only pre-evolutions of monsters already existing in the game's bestiary. Note that your Pokédex will only update when you have discovered one of these new Pokémon, so don't panic if they don't appear on your list yet.
List of known Pokémon Go items
- Poké Ball : allows you to capture Pokémon. They are available in the Pokéstop and on the game store
- Super ball : a Poké Ball with a better catch rate. Can be found (rarely) in Poké Stops once unlocked or purchased in stores
- Hyper Ball : the Poké Ball with the best catch rate. Can be found (rarely) in Poké Stops once unlocked or purchased in stores
- Master Ball : the Poké Ball with automatic capture. This was present in the beta of the game, but not necessarily in the final version. The future will tell.
- Lure module : An item that can be attached to a Pokéstop that spawns Pokémon nearby for all players for 30 minutes. Pokéstop with a lure are visible by the pink petals they release.
- Incenses : An aura surrounds you and attracts Pokémon to you for 30 minutes.
- Baie Framby : an item to give to a Pokémon during a fight to make it easier to capture.
- potion : makes a Pokémon regain 20 HP. Can be found in Poké Stops once unlocked.
- Super Potion : regains 50 HP to a Pokémon. Can be found (rarely) in Poké Stops once unlocked.
- Hyper Potion : regains 200 HP to a Pokémon. Can be found (rarely) in Poké Stops once unlocked.
- Potion Max : regains all of its life for a Pokémon. Can be found (rarely) in Poké Stops once unlocked.
- Rappel : allows you to revive a Pokémon that has been knocked out with half of its health. Can be found in Poké Stops once unlocked.
- Max recall : allows you to revive a Pokémon KO with all its life. Can be found (rarely) in Poké Stops once unlocked.
- Lucky Egg : Double your XP points for 30 minutes.
- Incubator : allows you to hatch an egg when you walk, but is limited to 3 uses before disappearing.
List of levels and their known bonuses
- Level 1 (1000 XP) : no bonus
- Level 2 (2000 XP) : 15 Poké Ball
- Level 3 (3000 XP) : 15 Poké Ball
- Level 4 (4000 XP) : 15 Poké Ball
- Level 5 (5000 XP) : 1 incense, 10 potions, 10 reminders. You can choose a team and fight in an arena! The potions are unlocked.
- Level 6 (6000 XP) : 15 Poké Ball, 10 potions, 10 reminders, 1 incubator
- Level 7 (7000 XP) : 1 incense, 10 potions, 10 reminders, 15 Poké Ball
- Level 8 (8000 XP) : 10 potions, 15 Poké Ball, 5 reminders, 10 Framby Berry, 1 lure module. The Framby Berries are unlocked.
- Level 9 (9000 XP) : 15 Poké Ball, 10 potions, 3 Framby Berry, 5 reminders, 1 lucky egg
- Level 10 (10 XP) : 15 Poké Ball, 10 Super Potions, 10 Framby Berry, 10 reminders, 1 lucky egg, 1 incense, 1 lure module, 1 incubator. Super Potions are unlocked.
- Level 11 (10 XP) : 10 Super Potions, 15 Poké Ball, 3 rappels, 3 Baie Framby
- Level 12 (10 XP) : 20 Super Ball, 3 recalls, 10 Super Potions, 3 Framby Berries. The Super Balls are unlocked.
- Level 13 (10 XP) : 15 Super Ball, 10 Super Potions, 3 recalls, 3 Baie Framby
- Level 14 (15 XP) : 15 Super Ball, 3 recalls, 10 Super Potions, 3 Baie Framby
- Level 15 (20 XP) : 15 Super Ball, 20 Hyper Potions, 10 Framby Berry, 10 reminders, 1 incense, 1 incubator, 1 lure module, 1 lucky egg. Hyper potions are unlocked.
- Level 16 (20 XP) : 10 Hyper Potions, 10 Super Ball, 5 callbacks, 5 Framby Berry
- Level 17 (20 XP) : 10 Super Ball, 10 Hyper Potions, 5 callbacks, 5 Framby Berry
- Level 18 (20 XP) : 10 Super Ball, 10 Hyper Potions, 5 callbacks, 5 Framby Berry
- Level 19 (25 XP) : 15 Super Ball, 10 Hyper Potions, 5 callbacks, 5 Framby Berry
- Level 20 (25 XP) : 20 Hyper Ball, 20 Hyper Potions, 20 reminders, 2 incense, 20 Framby Berry, 2 lure modules, 2 incubators, 2 lucky eggs. The Hyper Balls are unlocked.
- ...
- 30 level : 30 Hyper Ball, 20 Max Potions, 20 Max Recall, 20 Framby Berry, 3 incense, 3 Lucky Eggs, 3 incubators, 3 lure modules
The list is not final. Do not hesitate to tell us what you have unlocked once you have passed level 20!
List of candies according to equipped Pokémon buddies
Since the last Pokémon update, you have the option of assigning a Pokémon as a friend in order to collect candy for it. Here is the list of kilometers to cover for each monster, as well as the number of kilometers that you will have to cover to make it evolve with this only method.
Pokemon | km for 1 candy | number of candies to evolve | km to evolve |
Open | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Alakazam | 3 | - | - |
Arbok | 3 | - | - |
Arcanin | 3 | - | - |
Article | n / A | n / A | n / A |
Subscription | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Water | 3 | - | - |
Ammonite | 5 | 50 | 250 |
Amonistar | 5 | - | - |
Aquali | 5 | - | - |
Aeromyte | 3 | - | - |
Aspicot | 1 | 12 | 12 |
Bulbization | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Boustiflor | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Chétiflor | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Chenipan | 1 | 12 | 12 |
Crustabri | 3 | - | - |
Canarticho | 3 | - | - |
Growlithe | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Coconfort | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Chrysacier | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Colossinge | 3 | - | - |
Carapuce | 3 | 25 | 150 |
Carabaffe | 3 | 100 | 300 |
dodrio | 3 | - | - |
doduo | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Dracolosse | 5 | 100 | 500 |
Draco | 5 | - | - |
Dardargnan | 1 | - | - |
Charizard | 3 | - | - |
Evoli | 5 | 25 | 125 |
Elektek | 5 | - | - |
electrode | 3 | - | - |
Ectoplasm | 3 | - | - |
Excelang | 3 | - | - |
Empiflor | 3 | - | - |
Electhor | n / A | n / A | n / A |
Fantominus | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Ferosinge | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Feunard | 3 | ||
Flagadoss | 3 | - | - |
Florizarre | 3 | - | - |
Gallop | 3 | - | - |
Grolem | 1 | - | - |
Gravalanch | 1 | 100 | 100 |
Grotadmorv | 3 | - | - |
Goupix | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Grodoudou | 1 | - | - |
Hypotrempe | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Hypnomade | 3 | - | - |
Herbizarre | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Hypocean | 3 | - | - |
Insect | 5 | - | - |
Kicklee | 5 | - | - |
Kabuto | 5 | 50 | 50 |
Kabutops | 5 | - | - |
Cadabra | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Kangaroo | 3 | - | - |
Krabbos | 3 | - | - |
Krabby | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Kokiyas | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Leveinard | 5 | - | - |
Lamantin | 3 | - | - |
Leviator | 1 | - | - |
Lippoutou | 5 | - | - |
Lokhlass | 5 | - | - |
Melofée | 1 | - | - |
Melodelf | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Metamorph | n / A | n / A | n / A |
Minidraco | 5 | 25 | 125 |
Machopper | 3 | - | - |
Machoc | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Mackogneur | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Magicarpe | 1 | 400 | 400 |
magmar | 5 | - | - |
Magnets | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Magneton | 3 | - | - |
Meowth | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Mew | n / A | n / A | n / A |
Mewtwo | n / A | n / A | n / A |
Mr mime | 5 | - | - |
Mystherbe | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Mimitoss | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Noadkoko | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Noeunoeuf | 3 | - | - |
Nosferapti | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Nosferalto | 1 | - | - |
Nesting | 3 | - | - |
Nidoqueen | 3 | - | - |
Nidoran♀ | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Nidoran♂ | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Nidorina | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Nidorino | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Osselait | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Ossatueur | 3 | - | - |
Ortide | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Onix | 5 | - | - |
Sealion | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Ptera | 5 | - | - |
Papillusion | 1 | - | - |
Pyroli | 5 | - | - |
Poissirène | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Stop | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Parasect | 3 | - | - |
persian | 3 | - | - |
Pikachu | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Ptitard | 3 | 25 | 75 |
ponyta | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Porygon | 3 | - | - |
Psykokwak | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Poissoroi | 3 | - | - |
Piafabec | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Reptincel | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Rapasdepik | 1 | - | - |
Racaillou | 1 | 25 | 25 |
Jigglypuff | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Roucarnage | 1 | - | - |
Roucoups | 1 | 50 | 50 |
Roucool | 1 | 12 | 12 |
Ratattak | 1 | - | - |
Rattata | 1 | 25 | 25 |
Rhinoceros | 3 | - | - |
Rhinocorn | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Ramoloss | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Snorlax | 5 | - | - |
raichu | 1 | - | - |
Rafflesia | 3 | - | - |
Salamèche | 3 | 25 | 75 |
Soporific | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Spectrum | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Smogo | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Sulphura | n / A | n / A | n / A |
Scarabrute | 5 | - | - |
Sabelette | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Sablaireau | 3 | - | - |
Staross | 3 | - | - |
starry | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Saquedeneu | 3 | - | - |
Smog | 3 | - | - |
Tortank | 3 | - | - |
Taupiqueur | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Triopikeur | 3 | - | - |
Tadmorv | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Tygnon | 5 | - | - |
Tetarte | 3 | 100 | 300 |
Tauros | 3 | - | - |
Tentacool | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Tentacruel | 3 | - | - |
Voltali | 5 | - | - |
Voltorbe | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Pokémon Go Frequently Asked Questions
When will we be entitled to new Pokémon?
The second generation of Pokémon, including Kaïminus, Germignon and Hericendre, will soon be fully implemented as the game code shows us. Also, be patient: Baby Pokémon are just the first step in Niantic Labs' plan.
Does the Christmas Pikachu keep his hat while evolving?
Until December 29, 2021, you can capture a special Pikachu wearing a Christmas hat. Don't panic, this one appears in the game's new hunting system, making it easy for you to capture it.
But if we make him evolve, does he keep this hat? The answer is yes ! So don't panic if you are one of those preferring Raichu to Pikachu (and you are quite right).
Can we capture them all without traveling to another city / country?
The Pokémon that you can meet in the game are dependent on only a few factors: your level (your leveling up makes you see different Pokémon), your environment (going to the beach will make you meet different Pokémon compared to a park by example) and the time of day you play (some Pokémon are more common at night than during the day and vice versa).
Theoretically, and according to the observations of players around the world, it is therefore not necessary to make a long trip to be able to catch them all: only to have a good walk around your home, and to vary the places in which you go. However, some monsters are reserved for specific regions of the world (see list of rarities above).
Reload or upgrade?
Is it better to recharge or upgrade? It all depends on your situation. You should know that as they evolve, the Pokémon will keep the improvements given by the recharge, which also serves as an indicator of the monster's level of strength.
Also, if you are building a Pokemon lengthwise, it doesn't really matter. But if you are looking to beat an arena quickly, it is better to focus on reloading, which is more direct and easier to set up.
Evolve or capture?
As in all Pokémon games, going straight to capture high-level monsters does not guarantee you have a better fighter. Better to focus on training your Pokémon over time rather than quickly replacing it with the best level you find.
Are there any shiny / chromatic in the game?
So far, no one has seen a Chromatic Pokémon. A fake is circulating on the net of a green Nosferapti, do not be fooled.
Is it possible to get the Pokéballs back after a false throw?
A rumor trailing on the net wanted that one could recover his PokéBall during a false throw. The method is that we click on the pokeballs before they disappear. After many tests, we can confirm that this method is wrong. The Pokéballs are unfortunately lost forever!
Transfer or keep your duplicates?
At the start of the game, you will quickly realize that the Rattata and other Roucool are legion in this world. For the lowest levels, it will be better to transfer them as soon as they are captured to earn candy and develop their most powerful monsters.
However, with this technique, we can end up with a lot of very high level Rattatac. Should they be resold as well? The answer is no. Keep in mind that putting a Pokémon in an arena will “freeze” it on it.
Also, you will need many other Pokémon to conquer new arenas. If your duplicates are at the level of the surrounding arenas, it is better to keep them to conquer other arenas and thus earn even more money!
Does transferring an evolved Pokémon give more candy?
Unfortunately no, if you transfer a Rattatac for example, you will only receive 1 Rattata candy.
How to evolve an Evoli into Pyroli, Voltali, Aquali without stone?
For those connoisseurs of Pokémon, you know that there is a certain Pokémon that only evolves under the influence of a stone: Eevee. This takes the shape you want depending on the stone you give. Ex: lightning stone + Eevee = Voltali.
In Pokémon Go, Evolution Stones do not exist. Eevee evolutions are actually randomized, so if you evolve an Eevee through the classic gameplay method, you have no way of determining which evolution you will receive.
However, you have the option of forcing luck by renaming your Eevee so that it takes the exact evolution you want:
- Sparky : forces evolution in Voltali
- Rainer : force evolution in Aquali
- Pyro : forces the evolution in Pyroli
Be careful, however, it seems that this feint only works once. So, if you try to evolve a second Eevee in this way, the evolution will be random.
Can we trade Pokémon between players?
All players of “real” versions of Pokémon have been waiting for it, but it is currently not possible to trade with a friend or even fight them. However, this situation is only temporary.
Indeed, the game is currently only in beta and is not yet complete. According to the CEO of Niantic Lab, the exchanges are coming soon and it's a safe bet that the fights will also follow. A little more patience then!
Downloading your Google Maps area is it really useful?
The answer is no. It does not even come from us, but from Google which reacted to this rumor when it very quickly took on an enormous scale. Even though Niantic Labs uses Google map data, that doesn't mean that apps are sharing their data. Also, it is a waste of free space on your phone which does not result in any gain for the game.
Can we play Pokémon Go in the car?
If for a time it was possible to do so, particularly as a passenger, it is now strictly forbidden to play the game in the car. The rule is simple: if you exceed 30 km / h, the game will no longer display any Pokémon on your map, killing all the interest of Pokémon Go.
What are Pokémon Go points of interest based on?
If you are curious about the operating principle of the game, know that the location of Pokéstop and other arenas is actually based on the data collected thanks to the game Ingress, the first application developed by Niantic. This was based on player feedback to point out places of interest.
There is currently no way to “recommend” a Pokémon Go POI to the developer, but this should develop over time.
Does an egg from a Pokéstop near water necessarily give a Water Pokémon?
We know that the immediate environment influences the type of Pokémon encountered. Thus, when one is close to water, aquatic Pokémon appear more easily. Conversely, a wood will give much more Plant and Insect type.
But if we collect an egg from a Pokéstop near water, is there a better chance that it is a Water-type Pokémon egg? After numerous tests carried out by the gaming community around the world, the result is unanimous: it has no impact. The eggs are totally random.
Hatching an egg in a specific environment also changes absolutely nothing.
Why did Pokevision et al. Have to close?
While Pokémon Go's radar has never really worked well for its players, a number of services have sprung up to show available monsters close to you. Pokevision, Pokélive and others were used by many players, before being blocked by Niantic Labs.
But why ? You just need to see the graph above to understand it. Indeed, this one shows the server requests of the game after these services have deactivated. A huge fall, which will ultimately have benefited players since it is now possible to play Pokémon Go almost constantly without being disconnected.
The game has indeed welcomed 50 times more players than expected by Niantic Labs in the worst case scenario. A huge success which will have led it to have problems when it was launched.
Do Pokémon in Go also have EV / IVs?
The most relentless players of Pokémon in portable console version know it: statistics are hidden behind many monsters, allowing some to have a slight boost of attack and defense which can prove to be crucial at very high levels.
In Pokémon GO, EV (Effort Value) is not present. These are statistics that can be boosted through the use of items in the original games, such as Proteins for example. Go has not incorporated these items into its gameplay.
However, the IVs (Individual Values) are present! These are predetermined statistics in the game, often described as “potential”, and which give certain monsters boosts on certain characteristics. The game doesn't officially show them, but you can use an online calculator to determine the potential of your favorite Pokémon.
Note that this is nitpicking: in fact, the real bonus of forts IV does not make a huge difference in combat. But if you want to be sure that you have the strongest of all Pokémon, you will need to watch out for these hidden stats.
Pokémon Go tips
Start the adventure with a Pikachu
As tradition requires, the start of a Pokémon adventure will allow you to choose between 3 starters which are Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur representing fire, water and plant and hiding a clever stone / leaf / scissors system.
But if you were a big fan of Ash in the cartoon, or if your favorite version was the Yellow growing up, then maybe you'd rather have the infamous Pikachu become the emblem of the license?
It's entirely possible in Pokémon Go! For this, when the 3 starters appear in front of you when starting the adventure, you will have to move away enough so that they disappear. At the 4th time, a Pikachu will appear alongside them!
How to capture a Metamorph?
Metamorph is now officially available in Pokémon Go! But this one is not captured like all other Pokémon. Indeed, its specialty has always been to take the appearance of a different monster, and this tradition is respected in the application.
To capture it, you will therefore have to be lucky since it will appear in the form of another monster. In short, the next Roucool, Rattata or any other Pokémon you capture could turn into a Metamorph at the end of your capture! So don't miss out on even the smallest critters!
Fight well in the arena
When you arrive on an arena, you will be able to see the Pokémon defending it as well as their level as well as their respective CP. Use this information to choose your team, paying close attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each type.
Even if we would necessarily be tempted to put our strongest Pokémon first to clean up, it can be interesting on the contrary to play it crescendo. This technique makes it easier for you to defeat arenas, but causes you to consume more items to revive them in the event of a KO.
To do a simple attack, you just need to tap on the screen. Also, don't forget to use your special attack when the blue bar below your Pokémon is charged - you just need to hold down on the screen for this.
Using dodge well in arena combat
A final feature exists in Pokémon Go battles: dodge. By sliding your finger sideways on your screen, your monster will step sideways allowing you to avoid an enemy attack.
Not many people use it however, as it doesn't necessarily seem effective and brute force is often powerful enough to win the day. But when all have equal levels, or if you want to take an arena stronger than you, you will need to master this important aspect of the game.
This video explains very well how to use dodge effectively. To find the best tempo with which to attack and then defend yourself, you will have to base yourself on the marks appearing on the screen when the opponent is going to attack. The best timing is to dodge right when they disappear.
Be careful, however: dodging does not equate to a total absence of damage to your Pokémon, but rather functions as a guard: the damage you take will be lessened, allowing you to stay longer in attack with a single monster.
Choosing the right Pokémon for the arenas
Not all Pokémon you come across are necessarily good for an arena, although they can appear very strong. To tell the truth, some monsters will be much more useful in attacking an arena than they will be in guarding it.
Thus, HP bags like Snorlax or Dragonite will be excellent for keeping an arena in place. fast and strong hitting Pokémon will be more advisable for attacking an arena. So it's up to you to exercise this balance, as a bonus to consider the types and attacks of your Pokémon.
Check the status of Pokémon Go servers
Before leaving for a session, or during your capture, do not hesitate to check the status of the servers! For this, the community has created a dedicated website giving you their statistics. In the present example, you see that the US server is in critical state while we Europeans can connect without problem. The address is simple: IsPokemonGoDownOrNot.com (Is Pokémon Go down or not?).
Pokevision, Pokélive: services showing precisely Pokémon and their location
Over the past week, many sites such as Pokevision have been opened that allow you to see precisely on a map nearby Pokémon. A very useful service for those who want to hunt the rarest creatures effectively ...
Unfortunately, Niantic Labs has closed all access to its APIs to these tracking sites, which have therefore become inoperative. The alleged fault with a server load too hard for the developer to assume. Hoping that they think about opening this type of site officially in the future.
How to properly handle Pokémon Go server issues
During a session, especially late in the day, you will encounter a lot of server problems. In order not to kill your session, know how to recognize them. If you arrive at a Pokéstop and the medallion does not load its image, do not spin it, otherwise you will not collect your items. Exit the PokéStop, and try to relaunch it until the image appears.
When catching Pokémon, always pay attention to the icons displayed. If the bag and camera do not appear, stay where you are and exit the app. Throw it back, and the wild Pokémon you wanted to catch have a good chance of always being at your feet.
If you want to be really sure when you first display the Pokémon, you can attempt to throw a Pokéball into the void and see if the game reloads correctly. A solution to be reserved for the most desperate cases, however, since it would be a significant loss of a precious object.
Finally, be aware that it is possible that the capture was made even though your Pokéball did not move. Relaunch the app, and if the Pokémon no longer appears wild, it's probably already on your list. Don't forget to check!
Optimize your experience gain
Earning XP in Pokémon Go takes time: you need to capture Pokémon, explore Pokéstop, and earn arenas for it. But be aware that you can maximize your level gain by respecting a few basic rules.
First, don't hesitate to evolve even your simple creatures. If you are doomed to catch Rattata on a loop, these are a great experience engine since you earn a lot of Rattata candy. Make them evolve! Evolution only costs 25 candies for 500 XP.
This rule is all the more important on monsters like Roucool or Chenipan at 3 levels, since their evolution generally only costs 12 candies for 500 XP. So make everything evolve in a loop.
Technique to gain as much experience as possible as quickly as possible
This technique is inspired by the previous rules. To set up this one, you will need lure modules, chance eggs and an incense. Keep your Pokémon ready to be evolved for use in this context.
Find in your town 2 Pokéstops close to each other. These are often found in parks for example. Place a decoy module on each of them, throw an incense and a lucky egg. For half an hour, you will thus make a maximum of meetings, be able to activate 2 Pokéstop every 5 minutes and make evolve a colossal number of Pokémon.
It can go very quickly. The Lucky Egg gives you double XP, your basic evolutions each give you 1000 XP while each encounter earns you 200 XP. New Pokémon encounters (powered by Incense and Decoy Mods) now earn you 1000 XP each. Suffice to say that everything goes very quickly, and that in half an hour you are sure to gain many levels.
Capture Pokémon and hatch the eggs very quickly
Deceiving the GPS position of your device is quite possible ... but it's not very funny. A real real-life feint, however, is to take public transport to successfully capture as many Pokémon as possible.
You just need to take a city bus or a tram for example. The speed of these transports means that you can capture Pokémon on the way in an instant. This trick also works with eggs, which will count your journey as steps!
Capture region-exclusive Pokémon without traveling
You are not unaware, having seen the beginning of this guide, that certain Pokémon like Tauros or Canarticho are exclusive to certain regions. In your country, we have the exclusivity of Mr. Mime for example.
How to catch Canarticho or Tauros without traveling, then? The easiest solution is to have a travel friend do it for you by logging into your account remotely. A completely legitimate solution but which has a big flaw: a friend still has to travel to these distant lands.
However, it was discovered that the eggs could contain these exclusive Pokémon, although the likelihood of encountering them this way is remote. So don't lose hope: as long as there are eggs, there is a possibility! It seems that the type of egg does not matter: only luck will be your ally.
Don't use your candy right away
Although it is tempting to see all aspects of the game right away, there is little point in evolving Pokémon captured before level 5 or even 6. Indeed, the level of Pokémon you encounter evolve with it. your character's level.
In this level bracket, the Pokémon will necessarily be very basic. Evolving them right now would therefore be a waste of candy, since you will see much more powerful CPs arriving very quickly for these base monsters.
Don't use your stardust too fast
At the start of the game, it will necessarily be tempting to level up your Pokémon as quickly as possible. But in truth, it is better to keep your stardust! Indeed, you will quickly capture much more evolved basic monsters during your game.
So be sure to reserve your stardust for Pokémon that will have a real strategic interest for you, or your strongest Pokémon in order to overthrow or defend an arena.
Don't buy Pokéball with your money
By fighting in the arena, you will earn pokocoins which you can spend in the shop. Don't buy Pokéball! Indeed, the Pokéstop are very generously provided in these. It is therefore better to favor incense to maximize your catches.
Collect Pokéballs Easily
Rather than spending your money, know that the Pokéstop are regenerated every 5 minutes. If you are really tired, nothing prevents you from waiting quietly at the foot of a Pokéstop to redo your Pokéball store in about fifteen minutes.
A well-pitched Pokéball is an experience bonus
Experience in the game is gained by walking but also by capturing Pokémon. Note that if you throw your Pokéball precisely at the monster, you will be granted a bonus of 10 to 50 XP upon capture.
Note that if you tend not to throw straight, or if you want to capture in style, you can keep pressing the Pokéball and spinning it until sparks appear. Thanks to this, you will be able to give effect to your ball which gives you +10 XP on the catch.
Watch out for attacks from captured Pokémon
Have you captured 2 Roucools in a row to be able to face the nearby grass arena? Good initiative, since types are still important in the game. But be careful: the attacks of these same two pokemon may not be the same.
- See as well : our complete guide to Clash Royale
So, even though Roucool in the example is a flight type, he could be equipped with the dragon type Hurricane attack which would not have the same effect on the plant. So be careful to keep what interests you the most.
Conserve your battery
Pokémon Go consumes a lot of battery. Nintendo has planned the blow, as with Miitomo, by integrating a battery saver feature. To find it, click on the Pokéball, “Options” at the top right and check “Battery saver”. This feature will lower your phone's brightness automatically when the phone is turned down, without turning off the screen to continue finding Pokémon.
According to the developer, this feature is not yet very effective and will be improved in the next updates. To avoid running out of battery, you can also restrict your smartphone by disabling its notifications and background processes.
Lowering the screen brightness can save you valuable percentages as well. But to be able to play intensely, it is better to invest in an external battery so as not to find yourself running out of juice!
Take a photo with a wild Pokémon
In the capture interface (see “Capture Pokémon” above), a camera icon is visible on the right side, next to the Pokéball. If you tap on it, the interface will switch to photo mode. When you capture a photo through this, the Pokémon Go interface will disappear leaving only you and the monster encountered!
Fake GPS location to play
Warning: you will necessarily be tempted to use an application to ensure that you find yourself in places where you are not physically. However, Niantic's modality of service contract is very clear: these uses can be punished by banning or deleting accounts. Don't risk it.
Set “Unable to find your location” / “GPS not found”
The application is still in its early stages and many bugs are still present. For example, it is not yet compatible with Intel processors or with the developer version of Android N. Its GPS can be very imprecise.
If you have grip problems, it is possible that this is coming from your device. For the sake of conscience:
- Go to Parameters from your phone
- Go to “About the phone"
- Tap several times on “Build number”Until developer options are enabled
- Go back to Parameters
- Go to Options for developers
- Check that Fictitious positions is deactivated
Meet people and have fun!
When you go out to play Pokémon Go, it won't necessarily be rare to see people playing as well. It must be said that you all converge on the same points of interest in your city. So don't be shy, and try to approach other nearby players!
If he seems open to it, of course, don't go bothering your neighbor with impunity. But Pokémon Go remains a very good meeting engine when used properly, it would be a shame to do without.
Even in a small town like Calais, we were able to meet 4 players in just 1 hour including dear Antoine who agreed to be photographed for this article. Be careful though: some could be malicious.
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