Alice strikes hard and fast, while also having two phases in the battle.
Although she doesn't look like this, Alice is actually very strong, using her magical prowess and agile body to bring you to a complete stop, if you haven't prepared yourself properly. You've probably noticed it by now, but while Joker and the company are very good at handling each other in combat, a small, sudden burst of damage from some enemies can easily knock out most of the party within seconds. The same goes for this battle here, which can either go really well or end surprisingly quickly.
First of all, bring the fire and the wind with you. What I'm saying here is that you need to have any Persona equipped with Fire or Wind magic, or even both for best results. Also, you need at least one other party member with the same setup, preferably Morgana or Ann who are very good magic users. Morgana also has access to great healing skills early on, so I include her personally in all cases.
With this set and done, let's move on to the fight itself. Alice has two phases, the second being triggered when she reaches half of her health. In its first phase, you need to pay attention to two things. His AOE attacks and psychic projectiles. Both are telegraphed in a certain way, that after one or two tries, you will be able to dodge them without a problem, avoiding sideways. Make sure to quickly spin your left analog stick, in case you get hit by those projectiles, to free yourself from brainwashing status.
Whenever she stops her barrage of spells, approach her and start showering your fiery magic, along with any of your characters. Personally, I mostly controlled Joker and hopped on Ann and Morgana when I was out of SP. Which brings me to another quick tip: Bring some SP salvage items. Right after, try hitting her with any Wind skill, as this will trigger a tech attack, being an upgraded version of a normal skill, causing her to flinch in the process as well. Beware of his melee attack while doing so, avoiding them as well.
Alice will eventually jump to the pole in the middle of the arena, shooting random projectiles all over the screen. Do your best and avoid them, in order to repeat the previous cycle. A good way to easily escape these would be to jump towards the Party Poppers scattered all over the stage. You can even use them to interrupt a lot of his attacks, but please note that they can only be used once each, so plan accordingly. My suggestion would be to save some for the next phase.
How to beat Alice after her 2nd phase.
After reducing Alice to 50% of her health, her second phase is activated. Now standing up to all four, like a mad bunny she's meant to represent, she now has increased speed, more versatile attacks, and can leap at you much faster than before. She retains her magical prowess, alongside this new melee perk, so don't be fooled by the fact that she won't hit you from afar with projectiles.
In this phase, you have to do the exact same thing as before, but it is more difficult to do. You need to focus a lot more to avoid his physical and ranged attacks, and only get in close when the time is right. She is very aggressive now, so be patient in order to find your chance. Again, use your Fire spells in conjunction with Wind spells right after, take advantage of any Party Poppers you have left, rinse and repeat. Alice will eventually fall, you being victorious, ready to tackle the next chapter that awaits you.
Person 5 Grévistes officially released on February 23, 2021 on PC, PS4 and Nintendo Switch. Those who have pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition can jump into the game now.