Yusuke is an aspiring artist enrolled at Kosei High School. He appears as a rather slender young man with a very serious character. His artistic pursuits often end up leaving him penniless because of what he spends on his art equipment.
His second identity which he uses as a member of the Phantom Thieves is Fox. A fierce and agile fighter, who fights well both at close range thanks to his katana, and at long range thanks to his rifle.

in this guide we will go to see Yusuke's Persona, his stats, abilities and combos to use.
The guide may still contain material in English or slight inaccuracies, which we invite you to report in the comments!
Yusuke Kitagawa (Fox)
Code name: Fox
Initial persona: Goemon
Arcana: The emperor
Peculiarities of the Personae: Specialized in the use of Physical and Ice skills
Weapon : katana
Ranged weapon: Assault rifle
Fighting style: A skilled swordsman with a high attack, able to counter enemies with his elegant style.
Goaemon person
Person Statistics
Skill of the Persona
Recommended skills
Yusuke and Goemon are very useful for freezing enemies before unleashing massive physical damage on them while they are vulnerable. Recommended if combined with Makoto.
Here are all the actions that Yosuke can perform in combat:
Here are all the combos we recommend to maximize damage in battle:
Masterful Talents
Finally, the Masterful Talents useful for linking Fox's abilities with those of his Persona Goemon:

Fox and his Persona Goemon, briefly examine the enemies. Goemon will later freeze enemies with an area attack, while Fox will charge the Katana and then quickly slice them.
For further doubts, you can consult ours Complete guide to Persona 5 Strikers.