Anime, clapperboard, action! This is the most suitable expression to describe the moment in which we are preparing to start the software just installed on our PlayStation 4, the only console where at the moment you can try the latest effort of ATLUS (yes, because it will remain a Sony exclusive apparently). Person 5 Royal peeps the 31 March on the Sony home console, carrying with it the burden of the important legacy of a highly respected predecessor, but with some flaws. Can we always improve, do you say? Then leave us the word to tell you how it went.
Persona 5 Royal review - It's hard to be Joker
We are talking about the non plus ultra of the Japanese expression of entertainment, with the return in style of that production with unique and immediately distinguishable features that determine belonging to the anime and manga world, clearly in an all-Japanese videogame series. Like many other main titles previously released on our consoles, Persona 5 could not be left without a second release after a short time. In this case, we are talking about two and a half years, a good time if we consider that we are dealing with a job with really excellent performances, bread for the teeth of those in search of a good JRPG action, eye light for the insatiable fans of the franchise.
We can only be almost stunned by the kaleidoscopic introductory theme, full of lights, colors, dynamism: the nature of Persona 5 Royal is so volcanic and crackling that can't wait to show itself from the first frames. The beginning of the action is no less: we get to know our hero, Joker, code name that, as we have already learned from other masked characters in the history of entertainment, can only arouse interest. No comparison with the batman antagonist, by God, is not in our interest and for the purposes of this review: we just wanted to intrigue you even more about a story that deserves to be fully enjoyed, considering that the meat on the fire is really great.
In fact, we counted something like over a hundred hours at least, rather tiring to process if you grind into a few, but long game sessions during which we have to deal with a normal student like many others, but with the physical abilities of a select few. We find ourselves in the middle of one assault on a woman, which we try to stop; but it is known, not always "between the two quarrels, the third enjoys".

- Contains Steelbook and an exclusive Collectible Art Card
- Join the ghost thieves of hearts to free you from the shackles of modern society and organize blows inside the minds ...
From problem to opportunity
As often happens to those who get in the way of situations of this kind, it is precisely the savior who becomes a sinner: in this role of victim-executioner we have to deal with the forced transfer to Tokyo, hosted by a stranger and introduced to a new school, the Shujin Academy, the only school willing to accept our recent offender past. However, this condition does not prevent us from making friends in the Velvet Room, where we stumble upon Igor and his assistants Caroline e Justine. He places a real Sword of Damocles on our head: we are doomed to ruin, he claims, but we will be able to recover and change the judgment that the world has of us (a bit as if we were Alessandro Borghese of ourselves).
All very beautiful and epic, were it not for the images of the dream world in a night of sleep, which however proves to be premonitory of what happens to us shortly thereafter: an application continues to activate on our smartphone. This will turn out to be nothing more than the Narnia closet correspondent, but which allows us to access the Palaces, that is, manifestations that represent the distortion of the dreams of evil people. Can we enter it? Yes, but only if we know the password ...

- Contains Steelbook and an exclusive Collectible Art Card
- Join the ghost thieves of hearts to free you from the shackles of modern society and organize blows inside the minds ...
Persona 5 Royal review - It's hard to be Joker
They were two main defects of the predecessor title, if we can define them that way, and the first of these was immediately remedied. The lack of localization in the Italian language, in fact, the developers have put a hand on the heart, as well as grappling with one complete and absolutely welcome translation from all the players, considering the long conversations we witness (but which we can skip at any time, or reread if we missed some important passage). The other problem is theaccessibility to the game, namely his reduced to a single platform, not very popular with lovers of the genre and equally linked to the Microsoft console. We are not saying that you will necessarily have to buy a PlayStation 4 just for this game, but if they do not change the licenses and the Sony exclusivity, there will be no alternative: lose or leave.
What are you missing then? If so far the structure of the plot has not turned out to be anything particularly original and unpublished, the gems are yet to be discovered. By opening the treasure chest, we do not spoil the pleasure of trying all the treasures that are hidden inside, but we only give you a few small tastes, starting from storytelling. As anticipated, the long ones dialogic lines they are now fully translated, as well as looking decidedly more spontaneous and natural. Another novelty is brought by a student, Kasumi Yoshizawa, belonging to our own school and that we will be able to know since the beginning. But even the Confidants see new members among their ranks ...
It will steal your heart
In a story between narrative lights and shadows, characterized by a well-orchestrated but long to digest plot, we are dealing with some sensitive theme, such as the physical abuse of Professor Kamoshida about his students or some examples of bad language. Removed some "dark" notes, we dive into a complex adventure, where we live the concretization of that mental palace that we thought existed only in the Sherlock Holmes series, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, then evolving into a succession of fights and attacks carried out by the so-called Thieves Ghost of Hearts.
And of the technical performance? We say nothing? Well yes, we can't really express ourselves, if not with a sonorous chapeau across the board: a game engine with stable performance and immediate response, no graphical bugs e a pretty good aesthetic care, except for some details in the rendering of the faces and a few other elements. Persona 5 Royal is the true demonstration of a fine work, starting from an already very good previous version, which allows us to explode the game world and immerse ourselves entirely in the daily life of Joker, knowing the details of private life, studies and , clearly, of the "action" moments of his existence. But don't call it a social simulator and get a comparison with The Sims out of your head; you wouldn't be the right Persona for this game.

Person 5 Royal
- very good graphics
- remarkable narrative complexity
- noteworthy novelties compared to the predecessor
- longevity a little too long
- hard to really love him if you are not a fan of the series