Make all the best choices you can and you'll win the real ending. Make all the wrong choices and you will get a bad ending. It's not about completing palaces before your deadline expires. It's all about responding to choices, so it's possible to screw it up and save the file royally.
Don't worry, it's pretty easy to confirm your choice. Attention, there will be major story spoilers in front of.
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How To Get The New Endings True And Bad | Alternative third semester guide
There are three alternate endings - a “good” bad ending, a bad ending, and a true ending that defines sequel.
To get this ending, you'll need to do a little setup and unlock alternate events in the third half of the year. Here we have a complete guide to the alternative third semester, but I'll walk you through what you need to know in the steps below.
How to unlock third semester alternate events:
- reach Rang 9 with the Advisor Arcana (Takuto Maruki) by 17st November.
How to get the other incorrect endings
- Takuto Maruki sera offer a deal to the protagonist to make Dream World a reality. Akechi will ask you to confirm your choice. If you ok twice, you will get the “good” bad ending.
- If you don't finish Maruki Palace over time you will get a bad ending.
How to get the alternate true ending
- Unlock the third semester alternate events and refuses to accept Takuto Maruki's agreement to replace the world with an ideal dream.
- Completed Maruki Palace within the allotted time.
- If you have Justice confidant at rank 10, Akechi will appear briefly in this ending.
How to get the standard end sequence
- To get the standard vanilla ending from after Shido's Palace, don't upgrade Councilor Arcana to Rank 9 by November 17th.