Dear readers, did you know about Paolo Bonolis hospitalized after being vaccinated against Covid?
Neither do we: and in fact it is one of the many hoaxes about the Coronavirus, which we have been giving you an account of for a few weeks.
We are no longer surprised at how fake news is created: we start from a given truth, we re-elaborate it by manipulating it and throw it into the cauldron of the Web. you can be sure that you will be successful.
Also because, it should be added, the good practice of getting information before accepting news as true is increasingly out of use.
What happened this time regarding the well-known Roman showman and presenter?

Bonolis buffalo hospitalized after the vaccine
A photograph that portrays Paolo Bonolis hospitalized in a hospital bed was released online by people evidently close to the no vax movement.. In the photo Bonolis, in a not very elegant way, shows the middle finger.
Captions and comments were not long in coming: Bonolis allegedly fell ill after being vaccinated against Covid.
Ma it's a hoax, and gross. As you can easily verify on the Net (if only you wanted to do it) the photograph is certainly authentic, the person framed is undoubtedly Paolo Bonolis, and just as surely he is hospitalized at the time of the click.
Too bad that it is an illness that occurred to the showman in 2014 while he was on vacation in Orbetello. And the photo was posted on Instagram by Bonolis' partner, Sonia Bruganelli.
Moreover, In recent days, Bruganelli has made people talk about herself because she is the victim of another unpleasant but very frequent phenomenon in social networks: that of haters.
Repeatedly accused of abusing flights on a private jet, Sonia Bruganelli has posted a photo of her daughter, who has suffered from severe heart disease since birth, explaining once and for all the reasons for frequent air travel.
From the singer of the Stadio to Emmanuel Macron
The way of acting of those who try to undermine the credibility of the vaccination campaign is always the same. We start from an authentic data on which we intervene at will to connect it in some way to the alleged harmfulness of vaccines.
For example Gaetano Curreri, singer of the Stadio, had a heart attack during a concert last July 30th. AND the no vaxes did not take long to associate the unfortunate circumstance with the vaccination of Curreri. Still, nothing was ever leaked about the singer's vaccination timing. Who among other things, being 69 years old, it is almost certain that he had already been given the serum for several weeks.
An even bigger target, in the same way as those used for Bonolis, moved the French no vax.
What happened in this case? A video has been circulated that would show a large group of people gathered to protest against vaccinations. At a certain point someone aboard a bulldozer allegedly threw manure at the home of French President Emmanuel Macron. Again: the video is authentic, but it is years old and the one being filmed is not Macron's house at all.
What's more: the same video was already used three years ago. And then (another hoax) they had said to themselves that the yellow vests would have smeared the home of the French president.

Macron reacts to fake news
Its to stem the fake news, President Macron appeared on Monday 2 August with informal clothing, from the estate in the south of the country where he is on vacation, addressing the users of Instagram and TikTok. And by responding directly to questions regarding vaccination, to directly curb any possible circulation of unfounded news on this delicate subject.
"I know that many of you are still wondering, you are afraid," Macron said. “Many hear false information, sometimes nonsense, so I decided to answer your questions directly. So, ask them to me, and I will try to be as direct and clear as possible ”.

Covid and fake news: the report of the Mesit Foundation
After the hoaxes on Paolo Bonolis hospitalized, Curreri and Macron, the data from a report conducted by the Mesit Foundation seem even more merciless.
The study analyzed more than 147 online content on vaccines to defeat Covid, posted between November 2020 and May 2021.
Among the potentially fake contents related to Coronavirus vaccines, one out of two concerns the danger of adverse effects (49,3%).
In Italy, more than 909 thousand people follow Facebook and Telegram pages, channels or groups where they talk about vaccines. Over half (457 thousand) follow pages, channels or groups more or less openly no vax.
And in this regard, no vax users more than doubled (+ 136%) from March to May of 2021.
In conclusion: if we certainly cannot declare Covid defeated, there is still a long way to go to get rid of the hoaxes that concern it.