– Windows XP SP2 compatibility problem is solved
– In the expert features of the preferences a localisation problem is solved
– Wrong message was shown when an installation was cancelled
– New function was added for changing the booktype with several drives
– Implemented a workaround for some device specific problems
– A problem with the audio plugin manager is solved
– Improvement for DVD+VR support on DVD+R9 media was made to determine if a
layer breakpoint is set
– While opening the setting tab in the expert feature an error occurred
– Burning a VCD from a MPEG-1 file failed under Windows™ 95b
– All controls are now disabled after the burn process is finished
– When adding data to a DVD-RW instead of overwriting existing data another
media was demanded
– A problem with burning VCD is resolved
– Fixed a problem that some burnt CD medias were not readable anymore
– An unnecessary system reboot at the end of a DVD–VR disc copy process
is solved
– Audio CD image copy with checked option “copy all subchannel data”
resulted in a CD with silence and clicks
– Fixed a instability problem when copying a DVD-VR disc
– A problem with a strange title name in Nero Express is solved
– When an AAC and a WMA file were added, the slider could not be moved
– An error occurred when trying to burn a S-VCD from a S-VCD compliant MPEG-2
file under Windows ME™
– A problem with adding DRM protected audio files to Nero Express has been solved
– The volume label name of a DVD video compilation is now corrected in case
of specific system language
– A localization problem under Korean systems in the time track for creating
audio CDs is solved
– The time-slider in the preview window was jumping back after moving
– Fixed a problem in the preview movie player
– A multisession CD could not be continued after two sessions
– Can’t enter more than only one Korean word in VCD disc name is resolved
– A problem with VCD burning under Windows™ 98 SE is resolved
– Improvement for displaying Thai text strings on some buttons was made
– Adding a video file to a compilation with the add button wasn’t possible
– A Windows XP SP2 compatibility problem is solved
– Fixed a problem with user profiles
– Entering a new serial number was rejected with an error
– Resolved a GUI problem when switching languages
– Some GUI improvements are made
– Playback of a WMA file failed when a file was opened the first time
– A problem that was caused by clicking on the brush tool is fixed
Nero Burning ROM updates to version 6.