The famous video game series Pokémon can boast a huge group of users, coming from all over the world. The video game manages to thrill boys and girls, children and adults and now even a fish. Yes, you read that correctly: a fish - a Siamese fighting fish to be exact - is playing Pokémon Ruby.
Mutekimaru, the fish that plays Pokémon Ruby
Mutekimaru (also known as Maurice) is a beautiful blue siamese fighting fish whose owner recently asked the following question: Can a fish finish the Pokémon Ruby video game?
For this experiment, Mutekimaru visually divided Mutekimaru's tank into nine different sections, each corresponding to an action or direction of the controller. He then installed a camera to track Maurice's movements and put together a circuit board which also inputs to a GameCube with Pokémon Ruby from 2002.
The owner gave Mutekimaru a little help in the beginning, advancing the game's introductory dialogues. But the fish quickly managed to move the Pokémon Trainer without great difficulty. One of the first things the player needs to do is go to the main character's house and set the clock. This took Mutekimaru 35 minutes, an incredibly low time considering that he is a fish.
After 60 hours to 11 minutes the fighting fish managed to enter its first random battle, in which it "decides" to attack once and then run away. At the finish of the 373 hours Mutekimaru takes home the first medal, defeating the first Gym Leader, who in the Italian version of Pokémon Ruby is called Petra. Currently, after 676 hours of gameplay, Mutekimaru managed to get two medals.
Who knows how far he will be able to get. If you are curious to see all the adventures of this fighting fish you can take a look at the official YouTube channel, which currently boasts well 40000 subscribers.
TagsMutekimaru fish Pokémon Ruby Mutekimaru, the fish that plays Pokémon Ruby