The desire to know the space can be satisfied with the new project of the NASA, which includes creating a scent that can convey what an astronaut feels when traveling through space.
The perfume of NASA
One of the most interesting things is surely to find out what it feels like to leave the earth to visit space. It is a desire of many people, who admire the figure of the astronaut as he navigates in the special spaceships. One of the first questions that ordinary people ask themselves is: what odor does it have the space? To remedy this question, NASA thought of creating a perfume collection based on exactly the same smell.
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The Eau de Space countryside
I'm over 7500 people who have pledged investments totaling 321.000 $ for the creation and sale of the same product, which immediately captured the interest of several onlookers. However, this is not new: already a few decades ago. NASA itself had designed a prototype that could somehow simulate the smell of space, to allow astronauts to become familiar with the environment that they will then go on to explore.
This goal has been achieved, despite the fact that no official news has been leaked over the years: only a few months ago the idea of being able to market the same product was born.
The Kickstarter page, date and price of the perfume
On the Kickstarter page, you can find various information on the idea and creation of the perfume. The team is made up of experts in fashion, technology, design and logistics, with the distinction of having created several collaborations with perfumers from all over the world. On the same platform, the goal was the collection of approx 1700,00€, a figure reached in just under 24 hours from its launch on the site. To date, they are approx 290mila euros those collected by the project.
It will probably be marketed starting from September and prices will start from around 24,00 euros.
Tagsnasa perfume More than $ 300.000 raised for space fragrance