The end of the year is often the time when you start planning travel 2020. To help Italians better prepare for the perfect holiday while paying attention to the budget, momondo.it, the digital platform for finding flights and hotels, has unveiled the perfect time to book flights and hotels with the studio Travel Smart momondo.
The results of this study showed that, by booking at the right time, Italians could save up to 56% on the cost of flights and up to 69% on the price of the stay. The perfect time to book varies depending on whether it is a European destination or not. Cristina Oliosi, spokesperson for momondo.it, said: “There are so many myths to dispel when it comes to the right time to organize a vacation and being able to identify the best offer can be a difficult task. For this reason, once again this year, momondo has analyzed price trends in depth and identified the best time for Italians to book flights and hotels and leave for the destination of the heart with an eye on the wallet. "
Momondo to fly to Europe
For Italians wishing to visit a European destination, confirming a flight 2 months in advance is the winning choice. In fact, on average, the cheapest tickets are found approximately 63 days before departure, saving up to 56%. By opting for fly in the week, especially on Tuesdays, it is even more advantageous and you can spend up 23% less than on Sunday, which is the most expensive day to plan for air travel.
When it comes to booking hotels in Europe, it is also advisable to move well in advance. On average, the cheapest hotel rooms are located approximately 118 days before arrival (almost 4 months), with a saving of about 49% compared to the most expensive day, which is the day of check-in.
Momondo how to fly out of Europe
For travel beyond Europe, Italians should book with approx 51 days in advance. You can thus save up to 42% compared to the reservation made on the day of departure, considered the most expensive. Also in this case, flying on a Tuesday is the cheapest option: you can buy flights on average up to 13% cheaper than on Saturdays.
Also stays in the rest of the world they should be booked about 4 months in advance to save significantly: on average up to 69% if you confirm the room with 115 days in advance.
Momondo the 2020 goals
Con Travel Smart Momondo, the site also analyzed its data to indicate the most attractive travel destinations for Italians as well as the most popular destinations such as New York and Bangkok.
Jordan, Maldives and Turkey, respectively with Amman, Male e Istanbul, are the trendiest destinations to start in 2020 and explore itineraries off the classic routes. Even shorter planning is sufficient for these long-haul destinations. For example, simply buy your flight to Amman just 24 days in advance of departure to save up to 61%.
TagsMomondo.it Travel Smart momondo travel Momondo Travel Smar: the secrets to travel while saving money