MoonTon continues its good tradition of constantly improving their products. Mobile Legends Adventure has changed so many times since the beta that it is no longer the same game. Some of these changes did not improve the game as expected but we cannot say that MoonTon is not doing anything and that the game is not better with each new week. The changes in the last update aren't significant, but it certainly introduces some new concepts that can elicit a positive response from the community.
After the introduction of Irithel, MoonTon decided that it was time to add a new game segment to Time Portal and that the Labyrinth should be more interesting and more demanding.
Celestial Mysteryland is the name of the new mini-game in Time Portal.
Unlike the other game segments of Mobile Legends Adventure, Celestial Mysteriland asks you to choose 5 heroes and 5 substitutes for the upcoming battle. Each battle in Celestial Mysteryland grants certain bonuses or upgrades to the allied and opposing team. The list of possible effects is long: the hero's power can slowly decrease during combat, the damage of the hero's basic attacks can be reduced, the hero's spell can be increased, etc. At the start of the battle, 5 chosen heroes will fight 3 waves of enemies. Each wave has 5 heroes and 5 substitutes, and when you kill an enemy hero, one of the substitutes automatically enters combat. The same principle works for your team: when an allied hero is killed, a first replacement will come onto the battlefield in his place. When you complete the 3 stages, you are awarded Diamonds, Advanced Elixirs, Hero Experiences, or Battle Points. As you win more fights, the difficulty of the challenge increases, offering better rewards. At some point, you will face the Boss bosses. Boss stages are considerably more difficult than regular stages, but the rewards obtained are much better. Eliminating the 3 waves of enemies on each stage grants you 3 Chrono stars which are counted later for the Time Portal rewards. Time Portal rewards offer two types of rewards: Base rewards and Gold member rewards. Obviously, the rewards for Gold members are better, but you will have to pay for a Gold membership with real currency.
The maze is also changed.
Now you will earn a new currency called Dungeon Coins after clearing the dungeons which can be used in Dungeon Shop. The principle of Labyrinth has remained the same: you have to flip the floor tiles in order to find a key for the next dungeon floor. Dungeons have more floors and new enemy types, but the strategy is almost the same: kill all enemies and get all bonuses before facing a Boss. In order to earn a bonus for your team, you will need to gain enough energy, which means that from now on you will have to kill 2 monsters (1 killed monster fills half of the energy bar) before you can collect a bonus. This should make your journey through the dungeon more difficult, but in reality it is the same, as the difficulty of enemies is reduced based on your current progress in Labyrinth. New items, such as the cannon, which can hurt monsters in a straight line or a monster that explodes after dealing with it and damages all remaining monsters on the ground, are added to the maze. It may all sound more complicated than it used to be, but it's a lot easier now. As you progress through the maze and open a new dungeon, the difficulty of the monsters will increase, but you will also get better rewards. All the strategy for the maze you can find in our Mobile Legends Adventure Guide. Truth be told, I don't see any real change in the new maze, if not easier now, which is not a good thing if you ask me.
However, all of these changes are made as a result of MoonTon's interaction with the community, so this should likely positively influence the future of Mobile Legends Adventure. BlueMoonGame will continue to feature all game news and make sure every new hero is featured and featured in our Legends Mobile Adventure Tiers list.
Until then, heroes of good luck and may the RNG be with you!