On the App Store we can find Magnus, an app that recognizes works of art, giving you all the information regarding the name of the artist, the title of the work and its value on the market.
Magnus, an app for art lovers
Magnus has already been online for a few months, but one of the latest news concerns its new function: this new service consists in keeping users updated on new exhibitions or art galleries that are nearby (even if it is still in experimental phase, as it only works in New York City).
According to the creator of the app, 'Magnus will be able to do for the art world what Shazam does for music'.
In fact, the mechanism is very simple: imagine that you find yourself walking through the long corridors of the Louvre museum, or the Metropolitan Museum, the Hermitage or the Pinacoteca di Brera, and stumbled upon that work that you discovered on your high school art book that you loved so much at the time. Does the crowd in front of you prevent you from reading the name or the author? No problem! It will be enough open the app of Magnus, take a picture to the painting and in seconds you will be given all the information on the title, the name of the painter, the size, its value, and even the material used by the artist for his creation.
The name of the application refers to its creator, Magnus resch, already known for having created Larry's List which, with more than 8 million works, can boast of being the largest contemporary art database in the world.
The work to create this app was really meticulous, in fact the project began in 2013, the archiving of all the works of art it contains ended a few months ago, when it was distributed online, and still today it is continuously updated. The database of Magnus It is made up of millions of works of art and when a photo is taken from the app, this database is analyzed until it finds an image corresponding to the work of art you are admiring.
An excellent app to always carry with you if you are an art lover who occasionally forgets the name of a work (don't worry, there are more works of art in the world than songs, so you are justified).