Why look at it is the new Tech Princess column edited by Mattia Chiappani and Veronica Lorenzini, in which they reveal why you should watch a certain TV series: today's series is Looking for Alaska, available on Now TV and the Hulu platform.
Looking for Alaska, from paper to TV
Looking for Alaska is one miniseries made by Josh Schwartz and inspired bynovel of the same name di John Green, published in 2005. After years of ups and downs, the film adaptation finally sees the light: it is released on October 18, 2019 on the Hulu streaming platform and then on Sky Atlantic in June 2020.
The series tells the story and life of a group of students from the Culver Creek, a prestigious school that can be accessed with a scholarship or coming from a wealthy family. The main character is Miles Halter, a boy particularly fascinated by the last words of famous people.
His last favorite words are: “I'm going in search of a Great Maybe”, by rançois Rabelais.
And so Miles goes to Culver Creek, in search of the "big maybe" of his life. Arrived at this school, the young man meets the "Colonel", or his roommate Chip Martin and Takumi Hikohito. Later he will also know the beautiful and turbulent Alaska Young, friend of Chip and Takumi, with whom she will fall madly in love.
Children lead a normal student life in a school environment that is not without rules, which they often break through well-organized jokes against "The short week", the richest kids in school. Among all the students of Culver Creek, however, there is one important rule: it does not matter where you come from or whose friend and foe you are, no one spies.
I found this series by accident, actually. On Instagram I had found a photo that portrayed the cover of the book and intrigued by this very particular title, I looked for some information on the web. Obviously I then came across the trailer for the TV series and decided to see it.
I admit I have a magnet for teenage-style TV series but this one turned out to be different from the others. I state that I have seen the e series before then read the book. I know, it's not like that but it happened, don't want me to. One of the main features of this series that I have come across is the fact that it is extremely faithful to the novel.
Not only in the story, but also in the characterization of characters and jokes, some were just taken from the book. In addition, there are also other elements that recall the book, but I cannot talk about them otherwise I would risk doing serious spoilers and we certainly don't want that.
Soundtrack and the "great maybe"
I found the story very interesting, has something special that manages to capture attention right away. This Grande Maybe who is looking for the protagonist, in a certain sense it makes me want even the public to look for it, to understand it, to find out how it is made.
Let's say it's motivating and inspiring. Even today I ask myself: “Who knows what this great perhaps is”.
The characters are well characterized e very faithful to the descriptions in Green's novel. I particularly liked the way they portrayed Miles and Alaska: they both are described in great detail, in every slightest nuance. We succeed in understand them and understand their points of view, although the character of Alaska turns out to be one of the most complicated.
Thanks to his strong personality and some of his decisions, I decided to read the book. After the series, probably you will understand why - only if you're just as curious as I am, of course.
Each character, from the most important to the side one, has a fundamental role in the series and no one is overshadowed.
I would really like to find the words to be able to describe the colonna sonora of this TV series but I struggle a lot. In addition to find a variety of really interesting groups, I would like to focus on song composed of Siddhartha Khosla that manage to transport the viewer within the series.
Each melody fits perfectly with the photography, every location suddenly comes to life, creating an atmosphere magica e intense. Culver Creek represents nature, everything around us is green and remote, we rarely see the city.
Let me tell you, it's not the usual teenage story and I don't say it because I liked it. The characters are much deeper than you might think and you will realize it.
Looking for Alaska: why should you watch it?
So why should you all be watching Looking For Alaska? First of all because it is a TV series characterized by only 8 episodes, so you should finish it in a couple of days at the most. moreover, from the first minutes of the first episode you will be completely sucked into the story. And if you have never read the book, your curiosity it will increase even more.
If you've read the book, I assume you've already seen the series. If not, don't thank me and run to see it. Loyalty to the book makes it a TV series really interesting, the plot may seem trivial since the protagonists are teenagers but I'm sure that it will go inside.
The ending blew my mind completely and is another reason why I decided to read the book. Even now, months later, I go around the web in search of public opinion about the series, the characters, the story and every time I learn something more. See it and then you will understand.
It is a tv series different from the others - and trust me I've seen hundreds of teenage TV series. It was done admirably, music and photography are insanely exceptional and you will find yourself in front of real characters, deep and characterized by interesting personalities ed unique.
I think it is one of the best products I've ever seen, for sure it falls within the my top 10. So now run to the kitchen, take out that piece of chocolate cake and let yourself be carried away from this immense TV series.

- Green, John (Author)