Shopping online has now become a habit for many of us. But doing it well, choosing garments and accessories that fit us perfectly and that are in line with our personality, is not easy. Let's face it: how many times has it happened to you to buy a dress online that had a completely different effect on you than the one you had seen wearing the e-commerce model? To us a lot. Fortunately, however, there is a solution to this: Lookiero, the service of personal shopping online that promises to help us women a find the best version of yourself through the proposal of garments suited to our personality and useful suggestions for our style.
Lookiero: what it is and how it works
Officially launched in 2016, Lookiero is the first online shopping service in all of Europe. Not a simple e-commerce, but a real one style consultant which supports users in choosing the garments to buy. Precisely for this reason, at the time of registration, the platform asks you to enter as much information as possible about your tastes, habits and needs. The goal, in fact, is to build a profile that allows your personal shopper to choose the right garments and accessories for you. It starts with rather simple questions, concerning your way of dressing at work or in your free time, and then comes to more detailed information, such as the sizes e the fit of the garments you feel most comfortable with.

To this information you will then have to add others concerning the color of the eyes and hair, height and weight. In short, everything that Lookiero's personal shopper can use to have clear ideas about your figure. The founding principle of the platform is the uniqueness of each woman. Each of us is unique and different, and as such deserves to wear garments that fully enhance all its characteristics. And to do this, the platform needs to know you better. You will have to be honest, and clearly indicate what your wishes and expectations are, because the platform will put at your disposal someone who fully satisfies them. And once your profile is completed, a style consultant will take care of preparing you a box dedicated to you, containing five items and accessories.
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The Lookiero box will arrive at your home with a surprise effect, without you knowing what it really contains. At that point, all you have to do is try on the clothes and choose which ones to keep. Of course, if you want to keep the entire box you will be entitled to a 25% discount on the total price. Otherwise, however, you will only pay for what you decide to keep. And, at your choice, Lookiero can deliver the box every month, every 2, every 3 months or occasionally. The goal of the service, as you can see, is to create one relationship between the personal shopper and the user, so as to be able to support her in choosing a style that best represents her.

“At Lookiero we create a relationship with customers with the aim of helping them to fully experience their uniqueness and to overcome even some uncertainties. We encourage them to make small style changes every day to reach the best version of themselves “. So he declared Valentina graniero, Marketing Manager Lookiero Italy. And let us tell you that the platform is best at creating a relationship of trust and empathy with its customers, despite being a digital service. After receiving the box and trying on the garments, in fact, it's up to you send feedback to the style consultant to let him know what you liked best and what you want to change in the new box. In this way, it will be easier to build your style together, always respecting your personality.
A hymn to body positivity: our experience with the box
Shopping lovers - online and offline - know how difficult it is to let someone else decide which garments and / or accessories are best suited to their style. In fact, we are generally convinced that no one knows us better than ourselves. And, as much as this may be true, it doesn't mean that we always manage to best communicate who we really are. Often we end up buying a dress or a pair of shoes just because they respond to the trend of the moment, and not because they reflect us in the best possible way. And to this we must add that not all of us are really able to wear the garments that enhance our characteristics, physical and otherwise.

Online shopping has only made everything more difficult. Buying something you can't try is not easy, especially considering the models offered to us on e-commerce. In his own way, however, Lookiero completely distorts this situation. The possibility of forming a relationship with a personal shopper who helps us to choose the most suitable garments for us and to build a style that reflects our personality is truly unique in the sector. The platform embraces the concept of body positivity, and thus helps thousands of women of all ages to learn to appreciate their bodies. To highlight strengths, without having to hide what we often believe to be weaknesses.
And if you are wondering how all this is possible simply through a box of clothes and accessories, here is the answer. Lookiero's personal shoppers don't just build a style, but an experience. The one designed for each of us. Inside the box, in fact, you will find at least a couple of outfits made up of garments and accessories that you can combine with each other as you wish. And that will allow you to face every situation in an impeccable way, communicating in the best way who you are and feeling at ease. This is, in fact, the founding pillar of service: helping us women to express ourselves also through the clothes we wear. Because clothing can be something more than what we wear. It can represent who we are. And this Lookiero knows it well.
Tagsacquisti online Lookiero personal shopper Lookiero, your digital personal shopper