Also this time Dontnod was able to give us a special adventure, with unique characters and twists to take your breath away. For two weeks the fifth and final episode di Life is Strange 2, Wolves, is finally available: will he have convinced us? Let's find out together in this review!
This marks the end of Life is Strange 2, which is now also available in physical version for 4 PlayStation, Xbox One and PC.
Did you miss the review of Faith, the fourth episode of Life is Strange 2? Fear not e click here.
A last and intense journey
It's never easy to say goodbye, especially if it's something that has managed to convey strong emotions to us. At first having to wait two or three months before each episode was released was frustrating, but now I realize that this has served to make this journey even more intense.
It took me some time to digest the ending and realize that our journey had now come to an end. Now that I have managed to put the pieces back in place, I am ready to take this last step with you.
At the end of the fourth episode our Diaz brothers were finally leaving the Heaven Point church together with Karen, the mother who after many years has been revised and decided to help her children.
A little spoiler, please click only if you have played to the last episode!
Among the characters that we will get to know in this community, there will be one very familiar. If you too yelled in seeing David Madsen, Chloe's stepfather, raise your hand! Depending on the ending you have chosen for the first Life is Strange, David will give you different versions of his life. In my case, which I had previously saved Chloe, David talks about how he finally got close to his stepdaughter and how he is living well together with his friend (Max obviously). It will also be possible to find a photo of the two girls inside his trailer. An intense emotion, which made me cry for at least a quarter of an hour. Congratulations Dontnod, congratulations.In this new episode our characters will pass the first part of the game in a peaceful community in the desert, together with their mother and new characters who in a few minutes will win our sympathy and trust. The last part of the game, however, is the one we talk about since the beginning of the first episode: the Mexico.
Will our brothers be able to reach their father's hometown? What obstacles will our wolves face?
Sound and graphic sector: one touches perfection
Talking about the end of something is difficult, particularly because until you play it, it is impossible to fully understand which emotions you will go against. It is therefore necessary to speak, first of all, of technical aspects. Compared to the fourth episode, I noticed a great improvement from the point of view of the graphics sector: each episode gets better and better, up to almost touch perfection at the end of the adventure.
In Wolves the landscapes, especially the desert ones and characterized by climate change, are extremely realistic: full of details that make the difference and allow the player to experience their magnificence firsthand.
Here too the sound compartment, especially for the final part, it is great: it will make our ending even more intense, which is why I recommend you to equip yourself with handkerchiefs (or a towel, depending on the amount of your tears).
[In the first Life is Strange, Dontnod put us ahead of two horrible options: save Arcadia Bay or Chloe's life. This, of course, started two different endings. This time the situation is more complicated: at the end of our adventure, we will find ourselves here again in front of two different choices.
These, however, depending on how we have behaved since the beginning of the first episode of Life is Strange 2, can lead us towards one of the seven available endings. Dontnod has gone mad, playing with our feelings ruthlessly.
La narrative is great, like always. In addition, some themes addressed at the beginning of the first episode, will return even harder in this ending, also giving the player the opportunity to reflect on everyday issues that sometimes go unnoticed.
A love that goes beyond all limits
Wolves and the pinnacle of brotherly love, love that binds Sean and Daniel and that underlines how much the older brother is willing to do for the good of his little wolf and vice versa. Furthermore, Karen, a character that we have only had the opportunity to see in the last two episodes, will do everything possible to redeem herself and act as a mother for these poor kids who have long been without a point of reference.
Her attempt to offer him a family again, even if briefly, is to be commended.
This latest episode, and its different endings, are there perfect ending for a journey that has stolen our hearts from the very first minutes of the game. The differences with Life is Strange are there and can be seen, but there are still elements that unite the two titles, highlighting the capabilities of Dontnod who once again created an excellent product.
After the announcement of a new Life is Strange, anxieties and worries began to make themselves felt more and more intensely: fortunately, however, we were offered a noteworthy product, at the height of the first chapter and able to convey, albeit with a completely different story and characters, rare and wonderful emotions.
Our journey with the Diaz brothers ends here, but this it's not goodbye: once you have found the courage, you can always start over from the beginning. Maybe starting with Max and Chloe, then moving on to little Chris and ending with Sean and Daniel. And even if there will no longer be the surprise effect, these strong emotions will remain.